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(What would have been) My Blizzard Student Art Contest Entry

polycounter lvl 8
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Snafubar7 polycounter lvl 8
I've been pounding away at this environment all break (Which really started January 3rd in my case). Had some tech issues with submitting but I got it straightened out :)89Svo.jpg


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    My eyes go STRAIGHT to the pumpkin, which looks great btw, but the thing that's sticking out for me is the thematic dissonance between the focal element and the trees.

    The trees remind me more of NIght Elves, so serene, grace, sorrow, somber, while the pumpkin is exuding this almost Bayou Horror or Scary vibe. Color and theme wise, the weeping willows (I think it's more of a color issue) are not jiving with the pumpkin.

    DANGNABIT! They really have to specify timestamps with these contests. There's some people out there who need to know sometimes.
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Got some deconstruction images? Texture flats, wireframes, etc.
  • Snafubar7
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    Snafubar7 polycounter lvl 8
    Edit: Forget all that nonsense, I'm in the contest afterall :P

    Deconstruction stuff coming soon.
  • pixelb
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    pixelb greentooth
    Not bad, but your pumpkin looks more like a depressed orange. The silhouette just doesn't say "pumpkin" at all. Given that it's the focal point of the scene, I would think it's reasonable to model in the ridges and add some "oomph" to the silhouette.
    Bummer about the contest. :/ At least it's portfolio fodder, right?
  • Snafubar7
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    Snafubar7 polycounter lvl 8
    So here's everything I have, took me a while to get all this together, presentable, and uploaded to my site. Fire away :Dpumpkin.pngstump.pngtree.pngrocks.pngtextures.png
  • Snafubar7
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    Snafubar7 polycounter lvl 8
    Just got an email from blizzard, I didn't make the prize pool for the contest, but I got a lengthy chunk of feedback from their lead prop artist Eric Browning. pretty cool. he also did a paintover for me!

    "Hi Elliot. My name is Eric Browning, I’m the lead artist on the prop team. I wanted to give you some feedback on your piece, hopefully you find it useful.

    Before anything else, spend time on the idea itself - play with it, experiment with it, and let your ideas run wild. Then draw it. Drawings are cheap; once you move into 3D you will have less freedom. Remember that whatever you commit to building you will be spending a lot of time with, so it’s worth getting an idea that you are really excited about. It’s not that you can’t make changes later (of course you can), it’s just that the further into the process you get, the messier changes become.

    In your scene you have a pumpkin, and someone lives in it. Think about who lives there and where did they get that huge pumpkin? Right away I’m thinking you should tie pumpkins into the scene. Add tools, objects, and clutter to show that a life is being lived and that there is some kind of story. Depending on the project, it may not matter what the story is, nobody will hear it, but I guarantee the thought you put into it will show in the art.

    From a Warcraft standpoint, bulk everything up. Making everything thick and chunky comes partly from the RTS background of the game and partly because it reads better when you consider the field of view. You’ll notice in most games objects tend to recede quickly, so to compensate for that we exaggerate everything. Of course that means things often get too big when you get close to them, oh well.

    Your textures show promise- the same rules apply. Bulky shapes, clearly defined, and dimensional. Generally you make about 25% of the detail that you want and make it big. So instead of 20 planks for a floor texture, you might only make three, and take up the whole texture with them.

    Keep it up and make time to build stuff you think is awesome, the stuff that makes you glad you’re an artist.

    Good luck!"

    -Eric Browning (Lead Prop Artist, World of Warcraft)

  • Eliteabix
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    Eliteabix polycounter lvl 5
    Love the textures. only thing id say is the pumpkin looks a little too round? I think you could of possible squashed it a little bit and maybe added some geometry to the pumpkin "segments" given its scale

    Edit: I also just read the feedback, really nice critique/advice, its cool he took the time to do that props to both of you.
  • pixelb
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    pixelb greentooth
    Neat. It's nice of you to post your feedback here so other people can see it. :)
  • gyarados
    It seems you had some nice critiques and encouraging words. are you going to continue on this?

    edit: re-read it. Its seems you got a nice paint over from him.
  • Gheromo
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    Gheromo polycounter lvl 11
    I have to say this environment has great potential with crit applied. I dont know if you will try to push it further or not, but I feel like your environment will greatly improve by making better composition as well as lighting. :)
  • Snafubar7
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    Snafubar7 polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks guys! Yeah I'll probably continue with some props on this, and modify whatever I can if I don't have to completely redo it. I think I'll start with a new fence texture based on the advice he gave, probably could get away with painting one more pumpkin texture and pasting the prop around in variations, more leafy foliage/vegetation, clutter the place up in general.
  • Synyster
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    Synyster polycounter lvl 8
    I'm really looking forward to seeing your progress on this :)
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