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speed tree import failed...Help

Hey guys I am having a big problem with speed tree. When I try to import the srt file into UDK, the Import fails. This is very frustrating as I am trying to create a jungle scene. On another form I saw that it may be a speed tree preset problem though I have no idea what that is referencing? This is not the import does not show up problem. I have posed to the UDK forms but no ideas there. I also emailed speedtree about this issue and they said "thats weird". Speedtrees's premade trees will import fine but not costume built ones, even a basic trunk. This is driving me crazy:poly127:, anyone got any ideas?

I am using the lastest version of UDK cant wait for unreal-4-!!
UDK log files
[0262.60] Log: FactoryCreateBinary: SpeedTree with SpeedTreeFactory (...\05 - Assets\01 - Source\07 - Follage\Follage\Trees_01\Tree_01\SpeedTree_compile d\Tree_1.srt)
[0262.63] Log: SpeedTree Error: Could not load the tree data
[0622.56] Log: FactoryCreateBinary: SpeedTree with SpeedTreeFactory (...\05 - Assets\01 - Source\07 - Follage\Follage


  • SeanO'Connor
    I just built a custom tree from scratch, even with custom textures and all, using the latest UDK. I assure you it is possible. Be sure all of your LOD settings are setup even though UDK does not use the values. Shut off things you do not need, like breaking and physics. Here is a shot of my settings that import into UDK perfectly: 97813092.jpg

    As for the compiler, I did not combine my textures into a atlas. I did, however, make billboards, but most of the settings are left at default. There is a known issue with the latest UDK where freshly imported SpeedTrees are not immediately visible. Restarting the editor will fix that though.

    I would say, be sure you are using the latest UDK, double check your settings, and it will work.

    By the way, I cannot wait for UE 4 as well.
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