Hey Polycount, this is my first post here showing my own work, so here goes.
I have created a small scene in UDK for a university assignment, where the aim was to show off complex shaders and particle effects, using things like Mesh Paint, Fresnel, cubemaps etc.
There are still some things I could have done like petrol spills, clouds, drips off the roof and more objects and variation in the scene, but this is as far as I got for the submission.
All feedback is welcome and will assist me in my assignment and the future

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkO056LxH90"]UDK Petrol Station Shaders and FX Scene - YouTube[/ame]
On the subject of sparks, I understand there are too many, but what would make them look more "sparky"? Longer/faster moving are the things that I can think of.
On the subject of the fire, probably because I used the same texture for the smoke and the fire is why it appears it is just the smoke changing colours. Next time I will have to use a more fire-like texture.
Cheers again for the feedback