Hey guys!
My sincere apologies if i'm using a wrong forum section

I'm still trying to find my ways here and it's a bit overwhelming (To mods: Feel free to move it to appropiate section if so! Thanks a lot

Anyways! I created an account here after talking to Anuxia about month or two ago. I got REALLy interested in modelling and just now i found a lot of time to spare to learn it. I'm planning on making a Luna weapon and adding on a shield later on. As i mentioned before, I'm extremly new to modeling and so far i managed to grasp the basics of Maya (Moving around, creating simple objects and shapes, animations, cameras and lights)
But i'm pretty much stuck and i'm not sure how to begin with this project.

This is one of her very early sketches and here's first question. What object do i create to begin with? This is rather oddly shaped and there are some slight disproportions. However, i'd love to keep the general shape of this weapon but
i'm unsure how

Also for some reason, in maya, when i try to set it as reference picture, it gets really deformed and doesn't keep the original proportions of the image (could it be the size? or does it have anything to do with the polygonal plane size?)
Once again, my apologies if i posted it in the wrong section. I'd appreciate every possible feedback or tips on both, my project and navigating on this forum

I'm really happy to be part of your community and i'd love to stay here and be an asset!
(i love reading btw, if you guys have any links or pages that you think i might find very useful, by any means, feel free to share them

Reference planes in Maya
Also, for an organic shape like that, I would try edge modeling....
It's a pretty tricky object though, so good luck! And make sure to post your progress!
(Watching rest of it as we speak)
Also, is this a right place to post your progress? I'm not entirely sure
Once again, thanks a lot for your help!
Small update! After some fighting with Maya we estabilished temporary truce and i manage to make a simple model using create polygon tool x)
(For some reason first render looks different from the second one, anyone knows why? )
The left side (not sure why i rotated it around) is supposed to be the edge of this weapon. Top right part below the end of the blade is where handle is gonna be.
As usual, i'd appreciate tips and feedback (especially how i should approach it now
Quick edit!