Greeting guys,
I've been working on and off for a while on this Wargreymon X character from Digimon. It's my first 'finished' character done in next-gen (or current-gen?) workflow. Maybe made many error, but I can say I learned a lot from the process.
Even though I said 'finished', some feedback would be awesome to help me improve this model (and more importantly my skill and my next models) a bit more

(Sorry just realized the alpha error with the hair, gonna fix that later)
Thanks in advance!
Model is 16770 tris with 1x2048x2048 maps (diffuse, normal, spec, gloss, emit)

Normal+Occ and Wire

I don't notice anything way off. It seemed like his legs were unproportionate, until I looked up how wargreymon looked liked and this is really close. Great job man!
mmm you know what , the metal of your model could benefit of more detail like rust , scratches, make them look like its something that's been on battle , as of right now is very clean.
Very good job man.
Only improvement I can come up with is to add more specular to the metal parts of the model to make it seperate better from the skin.
The skin and metal now has much of a similar yellow / orange color to it. Maybe adding some more color variation can help here.
I mean something like this (I looked at original art from Digimon too):
Just a suggestion...
@Hatsya : Haha thanks, but I still need to refine it more.
@Asguard : Thanks!
@Fragged : Thank you! You're right, I think I need to add some subtle color variation there.