Hello! This is my first thread on Polycount and asking for feedback. I'm starting to put together a portfolio and I would love any feedback I can get.
I love the Fallout universe, and ever since I started with 3D, I've wanted to do a small environment inspired by a favorite spot on the Fallout 3 Map.
I haven't gotten much further than plotting out the terrain I want to place my props on, but I decided to push myself to make a thread instead of postponing it like I always do.
Anyway, this is the basic idea I had;

Basically, I wanna take a post-apocalyptic environment and add a bit of a Nordic touch to it, given that I'm Swedish myself.
Here's what I got so far;

It's not much, I've only really done much with the terrain, then I decided to block out what props I wanted so I could plan my time a bit better. Once I have a bit more things, I'm gonna put it all in to UDK to get a nicer finish than regular Maya.
Here's a few shots of the terrain by itself.

Any feedbacks and comments are welcome. I'm still kind of a beginner at environments.
Either way, I'd take a little more time trying to make a pleasing shape out of the mound here - do a paint over in photoshop or something and try to get something interesting out of it.
Looking good so far, although I kind of feel the rocks need some adjusting as well. They look too roundish to me. Rocks are usually more rough, cubical shapes. Looking at some references will surely help you improve them.
Could you talk a bit about how you are going to texture everything?
Thanks a bunch for replying!
Yes, I can see what you both mean. I'll just have to go back and work a bit more on the rocks. It's a Zbrush sculpt that I've baked on to a lowpoly. It's not much work to just make it more believable. Suppose I got a bit too excited to see what it looked with a texture on.
And, Elod, I'm unsure about how to approach textures. Normally, I'm used to a huge texture and just put everything on to it, only having to use one shading system for the whole scene. I'm honestly unsure about how people usually go about with textures for these things, so if you have any tips or tutorials on hand, I'm glad to hear it!
Thanks a lot for stopping by and giving me your input, it's much appreciated!
Fixed the rock to make it look more like solid slabs instead of smaller boulders. Also tweaked the texture a bit, made it smaller in this version to convey it being bigger.
Please ignore the tree, it's a work in progress.
Decided to keep the roundness of the rock, since I was picturing this to be in a post-apocalyptic Stockholm area, and larger slabs are normally rounded from corrosion from the sea, so this is what a slab looks like to me. (am I saying that right? In swedish, we would call this a small mountain, but that doesn't sound right.)
Like so. Something reminiscent of the Stockholm archipelago.
And here it is, rendered in a Marmoset with some updated textures, what are some old rocks without some moss?
The scene's taking form.
Plotted out the shack itself, worked on the trees, added some grass and tossed in some barrels (it's not post-apocalyptic until it has rusty barrels). Most of the props are taking form and next step will be to texture the shack.