Hi everyone! I started at litle game projekt with some friends and we gonna have so called "zombies" in our game, it's not zombies but we havn't found a better name for it yet, Anyhow.
I start with our aliens so you guys get a good understanding what I'm talking about. Our alien race have crashed at the planet earth. They are not aggressive at some sort but they protect themselves from humans trough taking over them as hosts, and why they are doing this is because these aliens are small, but there is some exception. When they take a human as host, four things will happen. One there blood becomes infected and turn black. Two the host start to grow small claws. Three they lose all hair.
four hosts don't sleep.
So exept for these four things our human will look dirty and sort of like golum but not so skinny and ofc they will have torn clothes.
As you may have figured out I'm making a human and this human is a girl. wich is a host and have been that for five days. what a host does is gathering all sort of food to the queen and attack intruders.
The moodboard shows how she looks when she was normal and some pictures to show when she's a host.

Were I'm now with my charater:
Done with body shapes and nothing more.
When I say done I mean good enough to start posting them.
There's no extreme detail of some soft, And no, she has no feets, she will have shoes later on. I make them at the same time as the clothes. Her breast are made to fit a bra that why they have this shape.

Please comment what you think and say everything! I'm here to get better

If there some hesitation please ask!
Best regards Robin!