hello everyone, it has been a while since I have done any major projects. So for the remainder of this month I am going to be painting one mech concept everyday. At the end of the month i would like to pick my favorite and then create a game model for it. Right now that is the plan at least. So far I have made three mechs, at the end I want to have at least twenty.
So here are the first three

thanks for taking a look

I look forward to continuing to update.
I want to start using more color in my concepts seeing as most of the ones i have done are all grey scale.
I would highly recommend paying more attention to your perspective. I would highly recommend fashioning some prefabricated perspective grids to help you get in the habit of using them.
here is today's mech
again sorry for not updating, but the past is the past and I am moving forward.
anyways here is another concept for you guys