I thought i had given up on this.., but i got some free time in the new year and i finally picked it up again, determined to finish. really determined. It was bugging me.
The goal now became to create a generic model which can be used to create other characters relatively easily from.
The hairs still based on my original goal of making chu li, but i'm not worried about that now, im sure i can change that. i might create the chun li clothes later and make the model i originally set out to.
spent ages studying others models and wires to try and make good topology/shape.
its supposed to be aimed at real time games, rigged and animated (although i doubt i'll ever learn how to..)
all in ortho view.

different breast sizes:

Wider/slimmer hips:


The body proportions are based on the juri ref pic

hood needs finishing, eyelashes, inside of mouth/teeth, and of course it still isn't textured. hair should be changed to match ref pic i guess (since it changed from my original ref).
few areas where theres a touch of clipping, but maybe wont be a problem as the mesh under the clothes should be deleted?
When the hair and hoods done its probably time to put this one away and move on to something else.
gonna make my character more interesting hopefully..
and some converse..
i'm guessing laces can just be a alpha map plane?
overall, It seems a bit disjointed, some areas look sexy while others not so much. Your body references are probably the cause, the left image is far more feminine than the right. If that is what youre going for then the only thing Id like to see adjusted is the butt.
Could you explain more about what you mean about the butt looking off?
I wonder if the viewport perspective gives this appearance? or maybe my smoothing groups aren't so good?
I followed the ref body line;
i was pretty happy with it finally. in fact, i was actually thinking to make the thighs/calves bigger later on (when i go back to my original goal of making it into chu li.. oneday).
maybe ill get back to it, but next on the to do list is make a new hairstyle and finish the hood. maybe see about making the hooded top a bit baggier and experiment with trying to add some creases..
i like big butts and i cannot lie..
The butt is mainly awkward when viewed from the back view. It seems like the glutes are being contracted. Id rather see the butt shaped like a OO, it looks fine from other views.
If that's what you're going for then nothing wrong with that, as long as it's intentional
the (left) is supposed to have a very 'tight' butt for an athletic look, and the (right) more apple shaped.
also, maybe the smoothing group isn't that great, maybe it doesn't define the shape well? heres with no smoothing groups:
i wanted to achieve a nice tight butt, i'm happy with it, i'm gonna stick with it
probably i'll have to model it twice, hood up/hood down. thought its better to model it up first to get the topology then it can be collapsed down i guess.
fixed edges on sneakers & boots:
612 polys / 348 verts, which is triangles?
..except for these faces on the wings, i don't know how they should be done??
they are single planes which will be alpha mapped i guess,
should they have double sided faces, is it possible?
any advice appreciated..
Making double sided materials is actually pretty easy; in 3ds Max (which I think you're using, but I'm not totally sure) there's a check box under "Shader Basic Parameters" which allows you to make any material 2-Sided. In UDK, there's also an option/check box which works the same way, but I can't remember it off the top of my head.
My first foray into texturing...
the back half of the wing is a single plane, the idea was to alpha map it..
but i guess i'm going about it all wrong..
im wondering if the plane which is to be alpha mapped should be a on separate UVW map?
is it that the standard method to have any alpha UVW maps separate?
now just this 1 problem to overcome..
when smoothing group is applied, it makes this horrible black shadow on the underside wing. it doesn't appear on the top (im guessing bcoz the faces are pointing up, if i flip them, it just 'flips' the problem to the top side).
ive tried using different smoothing groups and also just 1 group for the whole model.
all vertices are welded.
it doesnt seem to like the single plane join...
anyone else encounter this/know how to solve it?
Just one thing, watch the arm length, on your average earthling our wrists hang in line with the bottom of our butts.
but it should be an easy fix right away sir
i took a break from the character to make the seagull, now im kinda stuck into fixing this problem with the wing...
i wanted to get a grip on texturing this simpler seagull model before i try tackling the character texture. but it's harder work than i expected..
searched hours on the internet for similar problem/solution, couldn't find any solution..:'(
won't that cause problems with animating/movement?
and, i tried what you suggested, here's the result...
i couldn't find any posts online with the same issue and how it can be fixed..
..if anyone got any advice on that, still hoping to finish that model and would really appreciate it!
work got busy, so only had a little time to play. so i made some heels and tall boots.
..i guess having the wing as just a single flat plane would be easier but i was kinda hoping to have it as a close up in part of a scene... one day, so was hoping to keep the shape.
searched for any tutorials on making any kind of bird to see how others had approached it but couldn't find any.
it's all the same 1 smoothing group.
now i got a small collection of footwear ready, i'm gonna head back to finishing off the hooded top i should have finished a while back.
...and keep plugging away at fixes for the seagull