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Marmoset toolbag 1.6 blur edges problem!!

polycounter lvl 10
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Dantert polycounter lvl 10
I have a problem in marmoset toolbag v.1.6 that I don't know how to fix....
I'm new to this program so I think that the problem is connected to the wrong settings, but I don't know what.
So, the problem is that when I made a render and open up the image in photoshop I can clearly see a blur line on the profile of my model, I tryed to change the sharpness and change or disable the depth of field in the render menu but the problem is still the same... I tryed to reinstall marmoset and recreate the scene from start but the problem is still there...
I don't know if it's something wrong or something normal in marmoset...
What I have to change to fix this problem and have some sharp edged renders?


  • Grorum
    Still looks like FOV problem. You can fix it inside Render menu. Play with Focus settings or just reset values to default should be ok. Hope it will help.

    BTW marmoset is now available in 1.07, you should take it. (40 USD is nothing)
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