Hey Polycounters! I've had free time over my winter break so I decided I want to tackle a Persona inspired environment. I loved the scenes Atlus made for P4 Arena and I'm going to try my best to recreate one of them.
Here's my reference I'm using

And here is where I am at the moment in my block out stage. The textures I have on some models at the moment are just place holders to get a feel for size. I believe my tiles are a little to big, I'll adjust them later down the line when it's time to start texturing everything.

Any crits and feedback are much appreciated!
I'm still not satisfied with it. I going to mess around with the base color. I'm going to add some blue, purple, and pink to it and see how it turns out. As always any feedback is great to hear!
I'm pretty happy with how it came out. Taking another look at it though I feel that I should tidy it up and make it a bit sharper
And now it's time to work on the sides of the locker and to start texturing the bags on top :]
keep it up.
I'm trying to keep this as updated as possible. I started working on the bags on top of the lockers. My photoshop file has been messing up recently. So while I try fixing that I'll show what I have at the moment. I still have to brush up the texture on the bags and fix the seams, but you can get the idea of where it's going. and of course any feedback is more than welcomed
Heres some feedback which might help:
I really like the painted style you have on the lockers, but remember to keep those details on it really crisp. (The grooves, hinges, handles.) Sometimes you can paint over sections which can look abit messy. Keep everything in a seperate layer in PS. So much easier to change it then
I would also start thinking about how you want your final composition shot to be. That way you can build everything within that shot. Unless you want to build a mini environment which can be viewed from all angles.
Other than that keep it up!
Digging the washed out painted look on the lockers allot. Are you going to do this scene in UDK ?
@Biofrost: Thanks a lot man! I'll try to give it as much justice as I can! ;D
cljohnson: Yeah I was thinking about that, I have everything seperated and masked, but towards the end I just merged them and tried making them tie together better. And I think the lockers are sort of green? but they could be blue? I'm not too sure? I will change them and mess with the lighting though when I have the chance. As for the final shot, I was taking that into consideration and decided to just make a mini environment. I already blocked everything out and start modeling some more stuff out to fill the whole environment out. I'll post updates when I can ^^
@MisterSande: Thanks! and yes I am :]
@aajohnny: Thanks for the good feedback. I was wondering if someone was going to say anything about the name! haha I was thinking the same thing in my head. Now looking at it, I'll probably make 4 variations and split them between the whole locker base. and I started working on some stickers to slap on the lockers like in the reference photo but I'm not sure if I'm legally "allowed" to just get logos from the internet and slap them on as a sticker or if I have to make my own sticker designs? does anyone know?
Hope you can finish most of it before our classes start Feb.4th hahah. I'm wondering if I should rush something out last minute as well :P
@Snafubar7: Thanks man :] And I should be able to finish it, hopefully ha If not I'll still work on it during the first couple of weeks of school
Alright, I'm trying to see what I have and what I need to do/ fix. I still need to texture quite a lot of things and model a couple more doors and machines. I threw my whole environment into udk to see if I'm at least getting anywhere near to the reference and this is where I'm at.
And I did a small paintover of some more props I want to add in.
Some things straight off the bad I noticed that is wrong is my tiling messes up on certain points on the floor so I have to fix that, and it's too bright. I need to get more cooler colors in this environment. So far I think it's coming along. Going to take a small break and go back and start texturing the umbrellas, vending machines, trash, and hopefully try to get some of those framed pictures with some textures. I'll post another update later tonight ;D
As always feedback is always welcomed
I still have a bit to go and things to polish up before I call this done, but I'm liking the direction it's headed so far. Some things I'm thinking of working on next is the plants, broom, doors, windows, and then go back to polishing up the floor and vending machine. Also I changed the color of the lockers but I'm not sure if I like it more now or how it used to be?
As always feedback is always welcomed!
As always Feedback is always welcomed and thanks for taking a look
i'm not sure about the brick(?) floor texture - it seems a bit too contrasting (gaps between 'bricks' too dark) - and it's too distracting to what's actually standing on that floor (lockers)
scene is coming along. love the style, espeically the locker. Has that painterly look. Lightning is coming along. Still got some work, but its getting there. The ref pic you have has a lot of cool and warm colours together. It has that Makoto Shinkai style
@ftorek: Thank you for pointing that out. Didn't really realize that until you mentioned it. I'll definitely touch that texture up and make it so it doesn't stand out so much.
and also i believe the ceiling is higher wich give the impression of space that your scene doesn't have at the moment.
other than this i really like your work and I can't wait to see it finished.The handpainted textures are really nice .
PS: I loved Persona 4
Also one last thing. Does anyone know why udk doesn't capture light shafts? Or is that just mine?
Thank you Moose!
So here's a small little update with me just messing around with some effects.