it's cool, what happened to the head? 0__o
Is it going to be stylized sculpting or realism? I would love to give better feedback but my anatomy isn't that strong but overall its a good start and you should keep it going.
thanks, ya its going to be kinda stylized, like bigger boots, mitts than normal, also i just havent donne the low poly head yet gonna do that next i think. im also going to add a bit more topo to the suit itself and fix it once i figure out the hidden faces and what not.
looking pretty good so far, cool idea and concept and off to a really solid start on the modeling, keep it up!
The only beef I have is with the untied laces, engineering types are typically pretty disciplined people and even if they can be a bit messy they normally wouldn't do something or leave something in a dangerous state.
Shoe laces? Dangerous really? Yea I know, its not just the trip factor, but it can be like wearing a neck tie to work on a running car, fan belt + your neck != a good time. Or as Edna Mode in the incredible put it "no capes..."
Plus lose stringy things can be a technical nightmare, they would probably be culled from the design within min in a studio. I like the look of the boots flared out at the top, but maybe straps instead strings? It's why old tank commanders started using straps instead of laces.
really good point mark thanks for the tip.
I was in construction for 4 years so i know exactly what you mean. ill have to check out some of the boots with straps, and deffinatly take another look into the boots.
the character lives in a somewhat future sci fi world so i might try to implement a little bit of that into it.
engineer update!
i changed the boots so as to have more realistic approach to hoe he would wear them, i still wanted to have the top to have that silhouette so i broke a strap to have that.
Ive added some tools,radio,more straps and some small accessories, made the head, welding mask, and basically just worked on some topology
next thing im doing is to make the little welding unit, im debating on having a tank strapped to the side of the pack or maybe on top kinda same way as the big wrench, or built into the pack with maybe a pressure gauge on top.
im also wondering if anybody knows a good way to make the loops on his overalls, im still not entirly sure the best way to do it without using tons of geo
got my boots highpolyed. using goZ and the crease tool helped alot
i still have to fix the treads though as they are pretty warped.
and have to adujst some crashing geomtry issues
ill post pics of complete body once i take another pace at low polying the ears.
@JPeppa - thanks!, i cant wait to see how it turns out either!
as for the welder, he allready has one it located on the left hand side of backpack, which has the lines connecting it to the steel tank in the back pack.
hopefully soon i can post an update on the first pass on his body!
just more difined materials on boot and a thought on colour pallete im going to use for it,
going to have the front plate fade out into exposed steal where the material broke down
finnished the high poly and took some ao shots to show how it went
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update: just finnished bking and brought into udk to test out some texture work.
i still need to do the eyes and add all the other small details like grease marks/stains and also need to colour the tank and fittings on the back. as well as the welding unit.
working on some presentation for the engineer, think im fairly satisfied and happy the way it turned out.
going to post up some 360's and close ups hopefully before the weekend.
I'd love to see this guy posed, I think that's probably the biggest problem with your presentation. Also, the camera and light angle of your beauty shot feel really odd. It's pretty halfsies, which you should never go halfway on things, and the blue light is really blowing out the detail on the character's face.
With a few minor tweaks your model should look really kick-ass!
thanks for the thoughts der hollander!
presentation is deffinatly my biggest weakness, but i guess thats why im posting in the wip forums hahaha. im really trying to focus on improving myself in that area.
ya posing him is next on my list of things to do also ill tweak the blue back light on my beauty shot. and get a better angle for the shot as well.
the main image, the single biggest one, is a little over saturated and the blue light needs be taken back a bit. like der hollander said, the wires really sell it. Also, check the head size, it seems really long. The forehead seem massive
Is it going to be stylized sculpting or realism? I would love to give better feedback but my anatomy isn't that strong but overall its a good start and you should keep it going.
The only beef I have is with the untied laces, engineering types are typically pretty disciplined people and even if they can be a bit messy they normally wouldn't do something or leave something in a dangerous state.
Shoe laces? Dangerous really? Yea I know, its not just the trip factor, but it can be like wearing a neck tie to work on a running car, fan belt + your neck != a good time. Or as Edna Mode in the incredible put it "no capes..."
Plus lose stringy things can be a technical nightmare, they would probably be culled from the design within min in a studio. I like the look of the boots flared out at the top, but maybe straps instead strings? It's why old tank commanders started using straps instead of laces.
I was in construction for 4 years so i know exactly what you mean. ill have to check out some of the boots with straps, and deffinatly take another look into the boots.
the character lives in a somewhat future sci fi world so i might try to implement a little bit of that into it.
i changed the boots so as to have more realistic approach to hoe he would wear them, i still wanted to have the top to have that silhouette so i broke a strap to have that.
Ive added some tools,radio,more straps and some small accessories, made the head, welding mask, and basically just worked on some topology
next thing im doing is to make the little welding unit, im debating on having a tank strapped to the side of the pack or maybe on top kinda same way as the big wrench, or built into the pack with maybe a pressure gauge on top.
any crits are especially welcome
got my boots highpolyed. using goZ and the crease tool helped alot
i still have to fix the treads though as they are pretty warped.
and have to adujst some crashing geomtry issues
ill post pics of complete body once i take another pace at low polying the ears.
now my next step is to high poly everything
heres some wires and simple ao bak to see how itll kinda look
I may have overlooked this, but will he have a welder of some sort? I think he should have a welder!
as for the welder, he allready has one
hopefully soon i can post an update on the first pass on his body!
first pass on lower half of the coveralls. going to redue the knee pads so dont put too much thought into them haha.
going to have the front plate fade out into exposed steal where the material broke down
im now going to finnish the cloth,maybe change up the elbow pads, and complete all the straping as well as the other accessories.
i still need to do the eyes and add all the other small details like grease marks/stains and also need to colour the tank and fittings on the back. as well as the welding unit.
im aware of the inverted normals on the rag in his back pocket
now just to focus on presenting it
heres a quick 360 of him
watch in hd
heres some closer shots
going to post up some 360's and close ups hopefully before the weekend.
any thoughts?
With a few minor tweaks your model should look really kick-ass!
presentation is deffinatly my biggest weakness, but i guess thats why im posting in the wip forums hahaha. im really trying to focus on improving myself in that area.
ya posing him is next on my list of things to do also ill tweak the blue back light on my beauty shot. and get a better angle for the shot as well.
heres some pose shots of the engineer along with detail shot.
just something better to show than the boring a pose for my portfolio.
any thoughts?