This must be Platige Image's work, they've done the Witcher trailers as well as some nice shorts (Cathedral, Ark etc). Good to see more sci-fi games, hopefully they'll do a console version too
And that’s not all that’s new. We are about to reveal our other project, which is much closer to being completed. And yes, it will also be a fully open-world game with an intense story. You can probably guess the game we’re talking about. ;-) On the 5th of February it will all be clear.
The most exciting part for me, I really enjoyed Witcher 2 and am looking forward to what they are about to put out.
First thing comming to mind: O M F G Finally !!!!
then i cool down and wonder what the gameplay will be like. Really it's about time a good cyberpunk game is made. Not saying DeusX was bad but damn man. I just really hope they'll make it with the same quality and care as they made the witcher 2. If they do that then it's a sure hit. But hoping that you can only get better i'm not to worried about it. Dang man. yeah i can't wait for more info.
ps. love the way some devs now just say "when it's ready". I like that much better then pinning a date they just have to move again and again or can't make and release half broken games .
Easily the most amazing trailer for any game I've seen in so long.. I mean soley on the visuals as we have eye candy every week but the cconcept, someone really going after the Bladerunner style cyberpunk. Obviously Hard Rest did an amazing job to capture this but it wasn't about skinjobs and the whole bladerunner mythos quite as much.. This look unreal
'Video games frequently feature banally designed female characters, composed of the same hackneyed elements. Though undoubtedly beautiful, these characters are often contrived. In this particular case, the ability to work with a real actress thoroughly transformed the film.'
Im not really convinced with this, the 3d scanning dosn't really create a 'better' look than if they'd sculpted it and i'd say putting a lady only dressed in a courset in the street is still pretty contrived:/ Saying that i'm really looking forward to the game
'Video games frequently feature banally designed female characters, composed of the same hackneyed elements. Though undoubtedly beautiful, these characters are often contrived. In this particular case, the ability to work with a real actress thoroughly transformed the film.'
I'm not really convinced with this, the 3d scanning doesn't really create a 'better' look than if they'd sculpted it and i'd say putting a lady only dressed in a corset in the street is still pretty contrived:/ Saying that i'm really looking forward to the game
There's certainly an element of that there, but I think it's not the only one.
The story here, as I understand it at least, is that in Cyberpunk there's a danger where if a person replaces too many of their natural body parts with artificial cybernetic ones, they run the risk of beginning to lose their humanity, eventually resulting in violent psychotic episodes. The woman in the trailer has obviously gone on a rampage and killed a bunch of people (it's clearer in the making-of shots) and the "Psycho Squad", a police force set up specifically to deal with those who have gone to far with the cybernetics have come in to deal with her.
With this in mind, I think having the character semi-unclothed and in a submissive position works both to dehumanise her a little, not least because you can see the mechanical joints, while also making her her more sympathetic. Or something to that effect at least.
Of course it also means they get a pretty girl in her underpants for their marketing campaign.
I suspect this is probably just a small snippet of a longer trailer, so hopefully things will be made a little clearer in the full version.
In Cyberpunk 2020, humanity and empathy are character stats. Most implants and upgrades cost a number of humanity points. The closer to zero you get, the less you identify as a human, and are prone to cyberpsycho episodes, similar to the uncontrollable feral rage seen in other games. This girl is all jacked up, remorseless, and looks halfway shut down. Honey badger don't give a shit about the cops and their bullets!
I'm glad they make this a big point in this teaser. Cyberpunk's big theme is the human/machine dichotomy, I'm curious if it will be a major plot point in their game.
I also hope they keep the character creation from the books, it's a really great tool for setting a background for your character based on dice rolls.
Speaking as someone unfamiliar with the Cyberpunk brand, I thought that paragraph about banally designed characters was ironic.
The first impression I had was that, yes, the character was blatantly sexualized - but not because of the typical marketing appeal of scantily-clad women. Rather, I though they were going for the whole Blade Runner, general 80's movie vibe, back when American cinema was a lot more exhibitionist (yes, for the same old 'sex sells' reasons) - and I thought it was a perfect callback to that era with the design.
In Cyberpunk 2020, humanity and empathy are character stats. Most implants and upgrades cost a number of humanity points. The closer to zero you get, the less you identify as a human, and are prone to cyberpsycho episodes, similar to the uncontrollable feral rage seen in other games. This girl is all jacked up, remorseless, and looks halfway shut down. Honey badger don't give a shit about the cops and their bullets!
I'm glad they make this a big point in this teaser. Cyberpunk's big theme is the human/machine dichotomy, I'm curious if it will be a major plot point in their game.
I also hope they keep the character creation from the books, it's a really great tool for setting a background for your character based on dice rolls.
Absolutely. I think you summed it up many times more eloquently than I ever could have.
Anyone know why the police woman at the end of the trailer is bearing the same facial scar (From the bullet impact) that the psycho was in the beginning?
Is there some weird element of parts looting in this particular Cyberpunk setting? Maybe she was the one that hacked into the psycho's brain and shut her down, Ghost in the Shell style?
I don't recall any reprogramming being possible in Cyberpunk 2020, but the cyborg bodies did take a human brain as control. Cyberpunk 203X introduced the ability to control a body remotely via the net and Ghosts (pysche detached from bodies, uploaded to the net) ala Ghost in the Shell.
Wasn't sure if i'd make a separate topic for this. But it's (i think) the first Dev. Diary out atm for cyberpunk 2077. I like these kind of vids. Give some insight into what's going to be.
"Ever since we set out to create it, we knew the promo would work only if the female protagonist engendered a serious emotional response in the viewers and push the aesthetic boundaries of the typical female form. Video games frequently feature banally designed female characters, composed of the same hackneyed elements. Though undoubtedly beautiful, these characters are often contrived. In this particular case, the ability to work with a real actress thoroughly transformed the film.
The scanning enabled us to capture this fleeting element of authenticity, to use the beauty of a real person. It was truly a qualitative change. Despite the fact that the scanned models required processing and remodeling, they turned out to be the perfect solution for this project, as far as both timeframe and quality are concerned."
what they ACTUALLY meant;
"we need some titts and ass for the trailer. also there should probably be some baddass dude in a treathening position. that hitman trailer clearly showed that gamers these days want nothing less then shooting at women in corsets. and if we get any criticism for our obviuos sexist views, we just say that it was made in a ironic, tounge in cheek kind of way"
im still pretty excited about the game though. cyberpunk for the win!
I don't see any issue with the content of this trailer personally; if they got a call to the red light district or whatever, that's just where they were called too. Malfunctioning cyborg prostitutes have been in media for years, just look at Ghost in the Shell.
There is a valid reason for it; it definitely is not as pointless, cheap and tacky as random sexy killer nuns that end up having little bearing on the game.
I still have The Witcher 1&2 sitting in my steam account waiting to be played. Damn Battlefield!! >:(
From what I'm reading in this thread the source material seems very interesting. I hope that more augs/less humanity thing transfers to the game. Use more augs, end up doing shitty things, get bad ending etc.
The original pen and paper role playing game was quite good in that regard, and it also encouraged players to avoid combat where possible (it was very easy to die, and death is permanent).
So long as this doesn't turn into a watered down sci-fi shooter, and stays fairly faithful to the source material it could be pretty solid.
i noticed that so far it's being described as rpg, while witcher is known as an action rpg. i'd love to see a cyberpunk (not this Cyberpunk, any kind of cyberpunk) game with a more classical rpg approach to combat mechanics, camera distance etc. i suppose that with this kind of source material dice rolls and stats and stuff is what fans are expecting?
I really, REALLY, hope that they don't just turn it into an action FPS set in a Cyberpunk setting, because it's easier and might apply to larger audience (aka more money), instead of making a proper RPG game, with more functions and decisions then "Messy kill vs Silent takedown". My brother and I had some really fun games with friends in this game, and made our own internal memes. Hearing a heavy breathing behind you suddenly in our game just trigger "Oh Noooooo" because of those experiences.
They must've paid a crap ton to whoever was sitting on that domain name
bought dam time we get some sci-fi that doesn't have elves.
The most exciting part for me, I really enjoyed Witcher 2 and am looking forward to what they are about to put out.
Not much to go on with the Cyberpunk trailer. I guess you'll play as a character forcibly drafter into the psycho squad.
then i cool down and wonder what the gameplay will be like. Really it's about time a good cyberpunk game is made. Not saying DeusX was bad but damn man. I just really hope they'll make it with the same quality and care as they made the witcher 2. If they do that then it's a sure hit. But hoping that you can only get better i'm not to worried about it. Dang man. yeah i can't wait for more info.
ps. love the way some devs now just say "when it's ready". I like that much better then pinning a date they just have to move again and again or can't make and release half broken games
There is more of it at the link above
Sometimes I hate Behance for that tiny image format though, can't even save out those images for reference/inspiration.
^ overview of the trailer.
'Video games frequently feature banally designed female characters, composed of the same hackneyed elements. Though undoubtedly beautiful, these characters are often contrived. In this particular case, the ability to work with a real actress thoroughly transformed the film.'
Im not really convinced with this, the 3d scanning dosn't really create a 'better' look than if they'd sculpted it and i'd say putting a lady only dressed in a courset in the street is still pretty contrived:/ Saying that i'm really looking forward to the game
It's based on Cyberpunk 2020, so this isn't unfaithful to the source material.
Needs more pink leopard print, tri-hawks and cyborg rock and roll bands :P.
The story here, as I understand it at least, is that in Cyberpunk there's a danger where if a person replaces too many of their natural body parts with artificial cybernetic ones, they run the risk of beginning to lose their humanity, eventually resulting in violent psychotic episodes. The woman in the trailer has obviously gone on a rampage and killed a bunch of people (it's clearer in the making-of shots) and the "Psycho Squad", a police force set up specifically to deal with those who have gone to far with the cybernetics have come in to deal with her.
With this in mind, I think having the character semi-unclothed and in a submissive position works both to dehumanise her a little, not least because you can see the mechanical joints, while also making her her more sympathetic. Or something to that effect at least.
Of course it also means they get a pretty girl in her underpants for their marketing campaign.
I suspect this is probably just a small snippet of a longer trailer, so hopefully things will be made a little clearer in the full version.
I'm glad they make this a big point in this teaser. Cyberpunk's big theme is the human/machine dichotomy, I'm curious if it will be a major plot point in their game.
I also hope they keep the character creation from the books, it's a really great tool for setting a background for your character based on dice rolls.
The first impression I had was that, yes, the character was blatantly sexualized - but not because of the typical marketing appeal of scantily-clad women. Rather, I though they were going for the whole Blade Runner, general 80's movie vibe, back when American cinema was a lot more exhibitionist (yes, for the same old 'sex sells' reasons) - and I thought it was a perfect callback to that era with the design.
Absolutely. I think you summed it up many times more eloquently than I ever could have.
Is there some weird element of parts looting in this particular Cyberpunk setting? Maybe she was the one that hacked into the psycho's brain and shut her down, Ghost in the Shell style?
Anyway, more cyberpunk is a good excuse to do fancy biotech modeling and art. Should be fun.
The scanning enabled us to capture this fleeting element of authenticity, to use the beauty of a real person. It was truly a qualitative change. Despite the fact that the scanned models required processing and remodeling, they turned out to be the perfect solution for this project, as far as both timeframe and quality are concerned."
what they ACTUALLY meant;
"we need some titts and ass for the trailer. also there should probably be some baddass dude in a treathening position. that hitman trailer clearly showed that gamers these days want nothing less then shooting at women in corsets. and if we get any criticism for our obviuos sexist views, we just say that it was made in a ironic, tounge in cheek kind of way"
im still pretty excited about the game though. cyberpunk for the win!
There is a valid reason for it; it definitely is not as pointless, cheap and tacky as random sexy killer nuns that end up having little bearing on the game.
I still have The Witcher 1&2 sitting in my steam account waiting to be played. Damn Battlefield!! >:(
From what I'm reading in this thread the source material seems very interesting. I hope that more augs/less humanity thing transfers to the game. Use more augs, end up doing shitty things, get bad ending etc.
So long as this doesn't turn into a watered down sci-fi shooter, and stays fairly faithful to the source material it could be pretty solid.