Ok, so I'm making the transition from Maya back to 3ds Max 2012. In Maya, with the scale tool active, you can Ctrl+Click on the Axis that you DON'T wnat to scale, to scale along the other two.
In the image below I'm trying to scale on the X and Z axis, without having to switch viewports. I know that I can grab the middle of the gizmo triangle to scale X, Y, and Z, or I can grab in the area just outside that to scale on X and Y.
So how do I scale on X and Z?

It lets you choose which axes to use in a single tool, without having to click an extra button or press an extra key (I'm looking at you, Maya and Blender!).
Shortcut key for cycling the planar axes is F8... XY, YZ, ZX. Also you can show the buttons for it by right-clicking on the toolbar...
it does, the example given was in an orthographic (front) view. in perspective you can scale in any axis, or combination of axis that you want.
Another way without switching would be to change the Reference Coordinate System to World instead of View. But that doesn't work in all views (Top, Bottom, I'm looking at you)
F6 = lock to Y
F7 = lock to Z
F8 = lock to XY, YZ or XZ, cycle toggle