Gimmicky nonsense; is this what that patent we saw ages ago was about? Looked like it was describing something for the nextbox, and some kind of VR/AR.
Dude looks like he's spanking the monkey at 0:15. And enjoying it.
Man, that would be a good way to convince me that my TV was too small, or that I was only looking through a Tiiiiinnnny window into a much bigger 'world'.
I wonder if it would be performant for more recent FPS there's a good reason frameratewise why they restrict the FOV to 70-90. Can anyone see what that game is?...I thought I saw a needler in there --maybe halo1/2.
I don't see what advantages this confers over using a conventional screen projector. At least the screen projector doesn't have to project over shit like furniture and other uneven surfaces.
I don't like it. I mean, lets totally ignore the fact we would need a projector for it, and that it would clearly cock up if anything walked in front of it, and even lets ignore the fact that the location of the projector would have to be perfectly in relation to you otherwise it wouldn't look right...
So yeah, aside from those points...
The yare pretty much saying they are willing to render a good 1000% more visual data than normal, only now, it will hardly be seen as its projected onto your walls and stuff anyway? So a huge performance drain, for what exactly? For an effect that looks "ok" at best, and you wont even care about?
Sure, I see what they were trying to do, they want the room to be like the location you are in. I get that. It makes sense. But this is a long, long, LONG way away from the holodeck.
I was really hoping that next gen MS would maybe include something like the Occulous Rift as part of the package, so you had TV play and 3d head set play. That, in combination with the kinnect and the ability to still move with the pad if needed, would create some pretty damn interesting VR style plays.
From that so called leak document outlining the new xbox a few months back, it looks like the projector you are all hating on is suppose to be built into the kinect. like the kinect 3.0 or something
I think it looks awesome. I see tons of potential. Besides expanding the 'feel' of the screen (and actual use, since you can sense/see things projected), it could allow for some very cool effects or light shows to enhance the gameplay itself.
Looks amazing. I don't know if it'll take off but it solves the peripheral vision problem you have when actually playing games rather than looking at them
If you have a projector that can throw a nice HD image on your wall, why would you even need a TV? Unless this is some sort of fancy new ultra short thow projector that sits near/ on/ behind the TV I can't see the point.
I like it, the effect of warping an image of the room, projected on the room was very nice. I'd like to have this for ambient effects in games... but They would have their work cut out to make the system affordable.
its purely for peripheral vision. All those comments about "if you have a projector for your tv, you dont need that" are completely missing the point of this. All a projector does is increase the screen size of what you already see on a regular tv. This doesnt take whats already there and expand it onto the walls. it keeps whats already there on your tv, and gives you peripheral vision of whats around you, or adds different effects, like snow and what not to give that extra immersion into the world you're playing.
How many of you like to play games with the lights off? I know I do. Why? Because it lowers the peripherals around you so you dont see whats in your room. Immersion into the world. Dead space? I cant play that game with the lights on. So, if you already play with the lights off, then why not do this? It just turns what you dont want to see into more of what you do want to see. I highly doubt you`ll see any sort of UI on the walls. it will be too blurry, especially since it will entirely depend on whats in your room. Im sure devs will try and use it like that at first, but only because devs always do that. They get new tech and always try and force the game to use it, rather than doing what feels natural.
Even just using solid colours, instead of the game world, it could work. Say you walk into a room and an alarm goes off. a flashing red light.
Again, its still rendering all this stuff, and thats a good 1000% more shit to render... And for what? Why? Think of the performance drain, for such a pointless effect. TV's have been doing this cheaper for years. A good five or so years ago there were TV's out that did a sort of light based effect that depending on what was on the screen. The only difference was, it took no processing power to do. This on the other hand...
I don't know if its really the same effect. TV manufactures seemed to think light leaking out the back of your TV was a cool feature, but this is actually projecting things on the walls and surface not just colors. the snow effect in the cartoon-ish racing game, simple yet pretty cool, the same could be done with rain or other atmospheric effects.
As you look around the room in the videos you have to remember where your focus will be, the TV. It's like those 3D sidewalk drawing and you're standing in the wrong spot bitching about the perspective?
Because its a low res projection being thrown onto the wall it doesn't need to be highly accurate, like a lot of people are saying they can get away with doing a lot less in your "peripheral vision" while still adding to it.
It's not much different than rendering crappy low res cubemaps in realtime and it wouldn't take much to make that happen. Don't some engines attempt to do that now on ancient hardware?
I'll trade accurate realtime reflections, for this any day.
They are in the process of defining the hardware to run it so I don't think it matter that much. If this was an add-on to the existing xbox that are 7-8 years old I would worry about it stealing system resources but as long as they account for it and plan around it, it can be used in some really helpful and innovative ways.
As for the "get a projector same stuff right?" There is a big difference between playing on a giant projected image and having your TV be your clear window into that world while your peripheral vision feeds you much more basic info.
You might see a lens flare flash high on the wall next to your TV and you swing over to take a better look and see a sniper. If that was a projection you don't get a clearer picture, it just looks like crap and you have to track everything like you're sitting in the front row of a movie.
If you're in a driving game you might see out of the corner of your eye someone coming up on your side, rather than just be blind sided as they muscle their way past you. You aren't focusing on it but you know its coming, that's cool, and it will be helpful.
If someone tosses a grenade at you and it explodes, having your floor and walls light up with the explosion would add to the immersion.
bla bla bla...
If I can get that and they can manage to make the hardware affordable I say go for it. If you don't like it, shut it off, I doubt it will improve performance any, by design. Or don't buy it and just stick to other systems you think use their hardware more effectively...
I think it could be cool and I look forward to trying it out.
Looked dumb and annoying to me. Seizure-inducing. Seems like it'd only work well if you had your TV in a white room with nothing around it so it didn't project light all over book cases and shit.
I really don't understand the comparisons to the light-behind-the-tv shit. They're vaguely similar at best, as Mark pointed out. One is an actual image accompanying the game/movie/media itself that has an actual use, the other is a color on the wall that is similar to whats on the screen.
And no, as shown in the demo video, you don't need a white room with nothing on it. The entire point of the scanning was to find where things were in the room so it could adjust to perspective to look correct on top of your things.
If anything, my 'complaint' would be that your room would have to be a bit dark.
Again, its still rendering all this stuff, and thats a good 1000% more shit to render... And for what? Why? Think of the performance drain, for such a pointless effect.
I really don't think its rendering "all that much more stuff". It seems like its the same as cranking up the FOV? Which normally doesn't effect what is being rendered or the frame rate.
Engines don't always actively check and cull objects that you aren't directly looking at, maybe with some things, but too much checking can get expensive too. You don't want to be constantly checking the things they might see if they do a quick look.
Typically they cull objects on distance or by defined sections, visual groups, rooms or "portals". That all gets hashed out ahead of time as part of the compile process. When someone steps into a room the rooms that can't be seen get dropped. So what can be seen, even the things in your peripheral vision are still being rendered. That way its checking a list that already did all of the "is this room visible" heavy lifting. Most of the stuff in that room will stay there until you step into a room that can't see the first. So what is in your peripheral vision is "being rendered" just not shown, but now it is, neat.
Even if some small things get culled from your peripheral vision you might not notice because you're focused on the TV.
I like it as a color and immersion factor. I can't see anyone using it for a competitive game or general multiplayer. But for a game that is immersive, being surrounded by the lighting and colors and mood seems great. For a racing games you'd see buildings and over passes move around you as a tunneling blur, horror and dark games would probably work really well with this.
I dont like it.. its going to be hella annoying for anyone not playing the game.
And if youre going to make it cover an entire wall Id prefer projecting the game itself on to the entire surface.
Dude looks like he's spanking the monkey at 0:15. And enjoying it.
I wonder if it would be performant for more recent FPS there's a good reason frameratewise why they restrict the FOV to 70-90. Can anyone see what that game is?...I thought I saw a needler in there --maybe halo1/2.
So yeah, aside from those points...
The yare pretty much saying they are willing to render a good 1000% more visual data than normal, only now, it will hardly be seen as its projected onto your walls and stuff anyway? So a huge performance drain, for what exactly? For an effect that looks "ok" at best, and you wont even care about?
Sure, I see what they were trying to do, they want the room to be like the location you are in. I get that. It makes sense. But this is a long, long, LONG way away from the holodeck.
I was really hoping that next gen MS would maybe include something like the Occulous Rift as part of the package, so you had TV play and 3d head set play. That, in combination with the kinnect and the ability to still move with the pad if needed, would create some pretty damn interesting VR style plays.
Looks pretty cool to me as long as it doesn't need a conventional projector
From that so called leak document outlining the new xbox a few months back, it looks like the projector you are all hating on is suppose to be built into the kinect. like the kinect 3.0 or something
I'm down. When and how much?
Red Eclipse
there's only a second of halo footage toward the end.
It could also be good if your mates sending you an XBL message, could show up on the wall.
Or if you're a girl gamer, you could get endless 'can I see your tits' messages projected on your living room wall!
How many of you like to play games with the lights off? I know I do. Why? Because it lowers the peripherals around you so you dont see whats in your room. Immersion into the world. Dead space? I cant play that game with the lights on. So, if you already play with the lights off, then why not do this? It just turns what you dont want to see into more of what you do want to see. I highly doubt you`ll see any sort of UI on the walls. it will be too blurry, especially since it will entirely depend on whats in your room. Im sure devs will try and use it like that at first, but only because devs always do that. They get new tech and always try and force the game to use it, rather than doing what feels natural.
Even just using solid colours, instead of the game world, it could work. Say you walk into a room and an alarm goes off. a flashing red light.
As you look around the room in the videos you have to remember where your focus will be, the TV. It's like those 3D sidewalk drawing and you're standing in the wrong spot bitching about the perspective?
Because its a low res projection being thrown onto the wall it doesn't need to be highly accurate, like a lot of people are saying they can get away with doing a lot less in your "peripheral vision" while still adding to it.
It's not much different than rendering crappy low res cubemaps in realtime and it wouldn't take much to make that happen. Don't some engines attempt to do that now on ancient hardware?
I'll trade accurate realtime reflections, for this any day.
They are in the process of defining the hardware to run it so I don't think it matter that much. If this was an add-on to the existing xbox that are 7-8 years old I would worry about it stealing system resources but as long as they account for it and plan around it, it can be used in some really helpful and innovative ways.
As for the "get a projector same stuff right?" There is a big difference between playing on a giant projected image and having your TV be your clear window into that world while your peripheral vision feeds you much more basic info.
You might see a lens flare flash high on the wall next to your TV and you swing over to take a better look and see a sniper. If that was a projection you don't get a clearer picture, it just looks like crap and you have to track everything like you're sitting in the front row of a movie.
If you're in a driving game you might see out of the corner of your eye someone coming up on your side, rather than just be blind sided as they muscle their way past you. You aren't focusing on it but you know its coming, that's cool, and it will be helpful.
If someone tosses a grenade at you and it explodes, having your floor and walls light up with the explosion would add to the immersion.
bla bla bla...
If I can get that and they can manage to make the hardware affordable I say go for it. If you don't like it, shut it off, I doubt it will improve performance any, by design. Or don't buy it and just stick to other systems you think use their hardware more effectively...
I think it could be cool and I look forward to trying it out.
And no, as shown in the demo video, you don't need a white room with nothing on it. The entire point of the scanning was to find where things were in the room so it could adjust to perspective to look correct on top of your things.
If anything, my 'complaint' would be that your room would have to be a bit dark.
Engines don't always actively check and cull objects that you aren't directly looking at, maybe with some things, but too much checking can get expensive too. You don't want to be constantly checking the things they might see if they do a quick look.
Typically they cull objects on distance or by defined sections, visual groups, rooms or "portals". That all gets hashed out ahead of time as part of the compile process. When someone steps into a room the rooms that can't be seen get dropped. So what can be seen, even the things in your peripheral vision are still being rendered. That way its checking a list that already did all of the "is this room visible" heavy lifting. Most of the stuff in that room will stay there until you step into a room that can't see the first. So what is in your peripheral vision is "being rendered" just not shown, but now it is, neat.
Even if some small things get culled from your peripheral vision you might not notice because you're focused on the TV.
And if youre going to make it cover an entire wall Id prefer projecting the game itself on to the entire surface.