Not as efficient. Eye has much larger scan area with same periphreal vision limitation.
It's like going to watch a movie in the first few rows. By the end your eyes and neck are tired from the larger movement ranges to see "the big picture".
Not as efficient. Eye has much larger scan area with same periphreal vision limitation.
It's like going to watch a movie in the first few rows. By the end your eyes and neck are tired from the larger movement ranges to see "the big picture".
I also test 3d interactivity on the screen and that's why the table is so close, if you take a look there are 8 camera's mounted on the screen which are used for motion capture. And i usually make it a bit smaller because at that distance i do have to turn my head 60 degrees to see the recycle bin icon )
I'd actually make sure that I'm working with a projector/monitor that has proper colors as well. Even though it's cool to work like that you'll probably end up with more ergonomic issues that most, we spend enough time worrying about the ones you get with smaller monitors =P
All joking aside, I have been considering doing something like this, as I think it might be better for the eyes. Why? Because a regular computer screen is about 50cm away from the eyes, while the resting focal point of human eyes is somewhere around 1 or 2 meters I think. Plus there's the difference between backlit screens and diffuse reflections.
Of course I wouldn't go as far as to make my entire wall my screen, but rather something like 1x2 meter. (~75 inch diameter)
I feel sad for you bro working on that big of screen is pretty bad on the eyes having to look all the way to the left and all the way to the right.
i would never have a screen that big even if i could.
I recon it would be more functional with a few smaller screens, I only use 2 monitors when using 3dsmax because I can drag the UV-Editor & /or Material Editor out onto the second monitor. I did use a large TV at one point and while the display looked very clear and nice, I found it pointless when using software for 3D modelling. I didn't really like the idea of sacrificing 2 viewports in order to make space for other features...
Indeed. Bigger pixels doesn't mean more work area, however, more pixels does.
3 1080p monitors close to you > one large 1080p monitor further away, in my opinion.
That setup looks great for entertainment and gaming purposes, but for getting things done.... not so much. I'd much rather have a bunch of 1080p monitors, no larger than 26", that display an accurate, calibrated color palette.
I use a 37" screen as my main monitor. I regret purchasing it for that purpose. Thankfully it can display colors very well, and I also have an older 1440x900 19" , as well as the 17" on my laptop that is 1080p.
brag on polycount...
Ergo what's the point?
It can heat the room and provide light at the same time? The real benefit is of course, life size p0rn!
What you can't see is the glory hole cut out, hidden by the laptop screen....
I chuckled
But what i like even more about this stations is that it is power by a HP workstation Z800
The screen works from a rear projection and can get sharp detail it's a matter of calibration
It's like going to watch a movie in the first few rows. By the end your eyes and neck are tired from the larger movement ranges to see "the big picture".
I also test 3d interactivity on the screen and that's why the table is so close, if you take a look there are 8 camera's mounted on the screen which are used for motion capture.
Of course I wouldn't go as far as to make my entire wall my screen, but rather something like 1x2 meter. (~75 inch diameter)
i would never have a screen that big even if i could.
3 1080p monitors close to you > one large 1080p monitor further away, in my opinion.
That setup looks great for entertainment and gaming purposes, but for getting things done.... not so much. I'd much rather have a bunch of 1080p monitors, no larger than 26", that display an accurate, calibrated color palette.
I use a 37" screen as my main monitor. I regret purchasing it for that purpose. Thankfully it can display colors very well, and I also have an older 1440x900 19" , as well as the 17" on my laptop that is 1080p.