OK, I am just going to throw the question out there first to see if anyone has run into anything like this first. Then if I need to get more specific I can post examples etc.
First off I cannot get proper shadow casting for some reason. What I mean is my static meshes will cast shadows and I can see them but they are so translucent that they almost look like they are not there.
I have 1 Dominant directional light a spot light and a few point lights around.
I try in the viewport and my shadows are not dark at all, I bake and still the same issue. I have deleted my lights and placed new ones and tried each light by itself and still not dark shadow casting.
I have also gone into world properties and changed the color to the environment to a blueish color and darker and still nothing. I am getting shadows on things just not good shadow casting and dark ones at that. Anyone know of why? I will post examples if people don't understand or just want to punch me. Thank you.
This is what I would like to see with my meshes etc.
This is with built lighting
This is what happens when I build lighting using lightmass light importance volume etc. 1 Dominant Direc Light one spot light and a few point lights.
This happens when I select the light with built lighting
How can I achieve that cast shadow with my meshes? I have changed light map res from 32 to 128, switched lighting channels, changed environment color for shadows in world properties, I have proper light map layouts, etc.
Thanks for looking.
Jacky I will try that and see what I get thanks.
If it is a static mesh you probably need a very high resolution to get any shadows. What you could do just as a test is replace the ground mesh with BSP and put the resolution to 1 on that BSP.
Another tip is to change the view mode to lightmap resolution. This will give you a grid over all surfaces showing you exactly how big the lightmap texels are.
And finaly if you can't get a static shadow to be sharp enough you can use a dynamic light with a dynamic shadow.
I will try those suggestions and see what i can come up with. Thank you
So, you have one dominant directional light and one normal directional light? What happens if you only have the DDL?
TDUB made sure of this already.