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Count Orklok Bust

Any C&C and guidance is welcome. This is real-time from within ZB. Can't say I know how to render in ZB and I haven't seen too many tuts about that particular subject.

I tried as hard as I could to get the veins right and I think I'll never be happy with them...

The original bust was sculpted by Peter Murphy and the skin shader is a free material from Eat3D.com.




  • Mr Smo
    Offline / Send Message
    Mr Smo polycounter lvl 18
    looks juicey man, nice job
  • Joost
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    Joost polycount sponsor
    love it! looks very sinister and the blood adds a nice touch :)
  • dr grim
    Thank you very much guys, means a lot to me to get feedback.
  • Shiniku
    Offline / Send Message
    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    I really dig this! very menacing. Love the choice of subject matter, too.

    Any plans on doing a low poly?
  • dr grim
    Shiniku wrote: »
    I really dig this! very menacing. Love the choice of subject matter, too.

    Any plans on doing a low poly?

    Hi, well, I had no such plans to be honest. You mean for marmoset, right? I could give it a spin later down the road. Why not? I had thought of uploading it to Verold.com. The sculpt is 24M (I keep forgetting if ZB counts in quads or in tris) so I could get away with 12000 or something? If you have any suggestions let me know, I have never down-resed assets ever.

    Thank you for commenting!

    PD: Damn report button is right next to the quote one, I clicked on it by mistake, hope I haven't started World War 3 by accident or something.
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    dr grim wrote: »
    PD: Damn report button is right next to the quote one, I clicked on it by mistake, hope I haven't started World War 3 by accident or something.
    You got me banned from the internets :(
    Heh, nah I'm sure it's no biggy I think you have to go to another page and hit submit to confirm that stuff.

    I think it'd be a good idea to do a low-poly just for practice or fun, especially if you've never done it before. I guess it just depends on whether or not you're interested in learning more about game art - I just kind of assume most people are here are either in the game industry or trying to get in, but that's not always the case. If this is just meant as an art piece for renders or whatever that's cool too!
  • mr_ace
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    mr_ace polycounter lvl 9
    good job man, looks great
  • dr grim
    Shiniku wrote: »
    You got me banned from the internets :(
    Heh, nah I'm sure it's no biggy I think you have to go to another page and hit submit to confirm that stuff.

    I think it'd be a good idea to do a low-poly just for practice or fun, especially if you've never done it before. I guess it just depends on whether or not you're interested in learning more about game art - I just kind of assume most people are here are either in the game industry or trying to get in, but that's not always the case. If this is just meant as an art piece for renders or whatever that's cool too!

    Holy cow, I almost hit REPORT again, geez!

    Don't worry, I never hit sumbit, went back immediately, reset the defcon lights now, it's all good!

    I'll try it as soon as I am done with another project and will update here with the low-poly. I am sure I am going to need lots of help with that.

    Thx again for your input :)
  • _DeadPixel_
    This is awesome!
    There isn't really much to say about the guy.
    I think the eyeballs could look a little more "attached" in the sockets, right now they look as tho there's a gap between the lids and cornea.
    Maybe the shadow is a little too dark there or something, rather than it looking like translucent skin.
    It'd be cool if you made his eyes a little more piercing.
    Perhaps make the ring around his iris a little darker and the colour more vibrant or more like a cold icey blue?
    Type "piercing eyes" into google and you'll see what I mean.
    Hope this helps! :thumbup:
  • Goeddy
    Offline / Send Message
    Goeddy greentooth
    nicely done.
    the diffuse on his skin and eyes look super awesome!
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