Hey guys, i just finished my portfolio
www.rubix3d.com, I would very much like some feedback from you professionals. I had gotten a few comments earlier last night form some of the polycount guys, but as we all know someone might miss something. So please guys comment and don't hold back I would rather hear that hard truth than sugarcoated stuff.
The fade effect is annoying and slow.
Then spellsheck everything again experiance is spelled experience for example.
Maybe you want to change your email to enricomattiasanti(at)gmail.com to protect yourself from bots collecting email information (Im not sure about this though)
I think you are heading in a good direction, site looks clean, keep going!
most important think if youre going for a position as a game artist is to have game models though.
Your work looks good, the only thing like others have said is that you need more of it, and you need it textured.
I'm also personally not a fan of the hexagon motif, but that's more down to personal opinion
I notice that your trigger handle of all the rifles is almost identical.
And recommended to do textures for the rifles.
Lastly, maybe you could start to do different types of military assets ?
Maybe like pistol or even a humvee.
If could help you alot.