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Searching for texture organiser

Hello. So, i have a huuge collection of textures and I use some of them time to time. So I'm searching a program that could help me sort, title and browse all of them.

Mainly, i need:
  • A program that won't move textures. It should just have a database of them somewhere.
  • An ability to create collections of textures within that program. So one texture could be in different collections but exist as only one file on computer
  • An ability to title and tag textures as well as search.

Does anyone have a good program to do all that? Or maybe you could recommend something to keep my textures organized? Because i have about 200GB of them and, say, some of them are just photos, some are tiled. Some are handdrawn, others are not... Etc. Creating folders and moving them is not enough. Also I use them (not them all, i usually search something specific) pretty often...


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