We would like music, but just haven't found anything we could use for free that we think is suitable yet. I think either extremely suitable and cool music or no music at all would be best...
MikeF, if you can replicate the crash, can you report it? so the programmer can check it out? Thanks!
Going to see if this works on my Arc a bit later. Though seeing it worked on the play i guess it will. As to the music. Isn't there some nice license free 8bit music. Idk why but for some reason i get a feeling this would fit great with the game. Maybe because of old memories of the Arkanoid time period.
Going to see if this works on my Arc a bit later. Though seeing it worked on the play i guess it will. As to the music. Isn't there some nice license free 8bit music. Idk why but for some reason i get a feeling this would fit great with the game. Maybe because of old memories of the Arkanoid time period.
I dunno, I am having trouble finding any. I will add music as I find it if I ever do find any though.
haha, it wasnt really planned to be an awesome game. We originally wanted to just get sumthing on the market... but then we kept polishing lol. And we still might polish and add features if we get time in the future. Was a really fun project.
We are planning to add differnt difficulties for now, btw. But other than that, I dno yet
Yeah it just seems really strange to me, the graphics look really polished, but then the gameplay is really lacking.
If you aren't attempting to make it the best it can be its a bad foot to start on .
We most probably will fix it up more, but I really don't know when . But you know when u do a doodle, then u turn out fully rendering it and making a 3D model of it, but it was just meant to be a doodle to pass the time. It's kinda like that.
For audio, you could look into Newgrounds, I think there are some pretty good skilled audio people there that collaborate for free if it's a game their interested in.
For audio, you could look into Newgrounds, I think there are some pretty good skilled audio people there that collaborate for free if it's a game their interested in.
no it's cool, I mean we found audio and updated with it
Trying it on a Galaxy Nexus, get the crash at launch or after the login screen. Just sent a report for it, included my forum username in the notes so you can identify who it's from.
I like the way you mixed pong with Arkanoid. Good idea to use 2 pong platforms to play.
Maybe some chiptune musics and some sounds would add more concept immersion.
We need more awesome games for Android.
We would like music, but just haven't found anything we could use for free that we think is suitable yet. I think either extremely suitable and cool music or no music at all would be best...
MikeF, if you can replicate the crash, can you report it? so the programmer can check it out? Thanks!
I dunno, I am having trouble finding any. I will add music as I find it if I ever do find any though.
Thanks MikeF
weekend bamp
and also, here's a recording so people without androids can see: http://youtu.be/B2thaq-dsEg
MikeF: We cant test, but the crash might be fixed now
and also, here's a recording so people without androids can see:
MikeF: We cant test, but the crash might be fixed now
It looks really good from screenshots but where is all the effects animation?
That's pretty much what makes a breakout game fun,
Here give this a watch. [ame="
haha, it wasnt really planned to be an awesome game. We originally wanted to just get sumthing on the market... but then we kept polishing lol. And we still might polish and add features if we get time in the future. Was a really fun project.
We are planning to add differnt difficulties for now, btw. But other than that, I dno yet
If you aren't attempting to make it the best it can be its a bad foot to start on
We most probably will fix it up more, but I really don't know when
no it's cool, I mean we found audio and updated with it
We also added a new block! If you tap it when it shows up... it clears an entire row!
I don't have any screenshots or videos yet, but check it out! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=deaus.dnabreaker
Also please rate/review, we would really appreciate it
Lol, the reason it's only on android is because we dont have a windows/iphone to test on lol. I don't even have my own android lol..