Hey Guys,
I want you all to meet Pirate Squale!

I planned to make him in 3D last year but didn't get around to it....I was lazy.
I've never attempted stylised art before but a friend used to nag me to try it, soooo I'm gonna see what all her fuss was about. So far I find it really fun and quite a nice change from the more realistic stuff. If I enjoy the texturing stage I'll probably make a few more stylised characters this year.
Right now I think his head in the concept looks wider than in the sculpt.
There are also a few other things like the Mast or his Cane not being in the right place, but I think it's because the artist focused more a pleasing aesthetic than perfect 3D spacing. If I move them to match the concept they end up poking through the boat or just hanging out in empty space.
Anyway, a fresh pair of eyes to provide feedback would be appreciated.
Hope everyone's having a good week!
Original Concept Art -
other then that this really cool!
Just a few things that are off, shoulder and proportions of the boat are the most irritating for the eye right now. But, it still is an interesting piece!!
I would have to disagree, I think that it creates a great whimsical feel to the piece. I would like to see it from a few different angles to get a better idea of the space though.
Sorry if you misunderstood it. If not, no problem
Still, it's an awesome sculpt so far. Just some things I've noticed.
@Goozah - I agree, his shoulder looks uncomfortable and I think I could also straighten his right fin that's holding the cane to match the concept more.
I see what you mean about the boat, I'll have a play with it and see what I come up with.
@Josh - Thanks mate. I've posted some shots from other angles you can check out, I also tried adding a gif turntable but the quality is shocking. haha Sorry.
Thanks for the feedback guys!
Edit: Better quality turntable.
@Amile - Thank you! Yeh, he's a total heart throb. He must drive the Sharkettes crazy.
@D4V1DC - I've updated the turntable with the recommendations you suggested and it looks much better. Thanks a lot man, appreciate it!
@Phoenix - Thanks!
@Archanex - Haha Do I get to wear spandex and a cape? Cos if so, I'm on it.
Thanks for the feelback guys!