Second threat from me here: making a little ship, low poly, and with a rusty/old feeling.
What I want to do better now is my texturing.
I'm done so far with highpoly and lowpoly, but I can still tweak that last one.
I give myself a week to finish the uv and texturing on this.
So Far:
High Poly:

Low Poly:

And the bottom, wherefor I already did a quick texture, but It still need some tweaking in the unwrap, especially at the front:

Hope you enjoy!
Do the high polys for some of the unique objects, not the whole thing.
For the other meshes, I have still to deside wich I'm gonna taken to 1 mesh for an unwrap.
But for now on: the cabin will also be done with a tileable texture, and so are the floor and the roof.
For the cabin I wanted to use a tileable texture, but this has one big problem: localisation is difficult.
Otherwise, without tileable textures, I would use a lot of texture space.
I could solve it with decals, but I don't know if that's the best solution. What do you guys think?
While I was searching for which parts take together in uv groups,
I encountered some problems.
I want my model as cheap as possible, so for the cabin I had the tought to work with tileable textures.
Things turned out that with tileable textures, making a rusty/old feeling was very difficult. As the tiling wasn't subtile at all (as you can see in the pic below, with a texture of 256²).
I think I have another idea now: a bigger texture (I think 512² or maybe even 1024²), that tiles only horizontaly.
I would also make 2 different textures, each for one cabine
in a little sketch:
Is this the best solution?