After 4 years of my trust Bamboo, I just recently got an Intuos 5 Touch Factory Refurbished, as in 20 minutes ago. I have to say that it is an incredible tablet so far. But I it doesn't seem to like Windows 8 so much, the touch feature is jumping all over the place. And when pop up menus come up the tablet freezes.
But at least inside of Zbrush it works perfectly far.
Anyone else ran into this issue? Maybe this has been discussed already on here but I'm notoriously bad at looking through old threads.
You can always disable the pen features in windows, they caused issues with windows vista and 7, it was really best to turn off everything.
I've been trawling the internet looking for solutions and tried every one of them to no avail - registry edits, settings, new drivers, old drivers, disabling system files - nothing works. It seems these problems are well documented on forums and Wacom/Microsoft support, but Wacom blame Microsoft and Microsoft blame Wacom.
Maybe it's just a matter of time to wait for a driver that fixes the problems, but by Wacom's record it will be a long time. In the meantime I'm seriously considering downgrading to Windows 7 at extra expense