My names Adam Olsson and this will be the place were I create items for my portfolio. This will be an ongoing thread during 3-4 months (around the end of march, beginning of april) before we have to apply for intership .
Project: KV-X2
Working from the model of
Fichtenfoo. Basicly a world war 2 tank but with spiderlegs.


More images further down.
C & C is welcome

BasicallyNormal: Thanks
Think I'll start with the LP now, need to have it done for next week when Ben Mathis (www.poopinmymouth.com) is our guest lecturer.
The last image is a colorbake I made from high to low to be used in DDO, with roughly the materials that will be featured in the rifle. Sorry for the horrible colors. :poly136:
C & C is welcome
Also I seem to have a problem getting alphas to work in Marmoset toolbag to be used on the glass material, does anyone know how to make it work?
If it's about the color scheme, the colors are not final. They are just chosen to easily selectable for the DDO run where I'll change the color scheme.
C & C is welcome
Awesome job!
Thanks! That's the best feedback I could get
Thank you, really struggled to make it work. But in the end I'm really happy how functional the gun feels.
Okay, I'll fix that with the proper beauty renders.
Anyways, looks great.
Removed the DOF and the Viginette from the image, thanks for all the help
Thank you so much! Really love your stuff Republik
Finally got to work on the tank today and I'm pretty much done. The only thing I'm pondering is to drag into zbrush to make some weldingmarks on the railing. But I have a hard enought time to show it in maya in smooth preview as it is now.
I don't think you'll have any problem what so ever finding an internship. Good luck!
Went over the tank and softened the bevels on some areas, thanks for the feedback.
Btw, does anyone know how many polies that are used for a next-gen tank? Was thinking of going between 30- 40 000. Is that to much?
Got some pieces for our rts, created all the vehicles and one robot. I'll try to upload the rest of them with maps and RTS-views.
Plus the low poly for the spidertank is done.
The tank is at roughly 4.500 tris. For our game we only had roughly 10-15 units on screen at a time and the game was quite zoomed in. So I was given the opportunity to use quite a high polycount.
The wheels, well I wasn't sure at first if I would model them in. But then I saw that Company of heroes had wheels on their churchill tank, and like that game we were supposed to LOD the model but was never given support to do that unfortunately
Nice, then I actually kept in the limit.
Thanks! Yeah, gonna work on the light-setup.
Thanks alot
Thanks alot! It means a lot
Worked on the tank and got a basic texture going. The thing I need to do is get some logos going and add mud going like a gradient from the feet. But all and all I'm feeling half-done with the texture work. Haven't started on the light-setup, the pose or any post-processing.
C & C is welcome