Keep in mind. Even boxers are not hugely buff like this guy. He looks more like a body builder to me. Also smoothing your muscle transition from one to another. They are quite sharp and sudden. Look at your ref the muscle are smoothed not sharp when it comes to the edge. And even on buff people this is the case.
Love the fact that you are doing these in such dynamic poses. Really cool stuff. In the last one he looks off balance from the side view I notice. Also, I would let the material in his shorts/underwear out of his ass a little more. I see this in both the boxer and the latest one. It looks like thongs which is fine I guess, but just not too flattering now that I am seeing a trend here.
Anyway, nit picky critiques, awesome work dude.
@Torch, thanks man, I Wish, Naw I cant afford it. @JoshVanZuylen, Your very right,I got lost putting in the anatomy i forgot to refine the surface and adding fat. thanks, will do better on the next one. @BradMyer82,thanks man,Yea his balance looks off, i didnt see that lol. i get losted in some part of it then others. as for the thong part thats what the ref looks like, but i think im gonna start changing them to under pants lol
Anyway, nit picky critiques, awesome work dude.
@JoshVanZuylen, Your very right,I got lost putting in the anatomy i forgot to refine the surface and adding fat. thanks, will do better on the next one.
@BradMyer82,thanks man,Yea his balance looks off, i didnt see that lol. i get losted in some part of it then others. as for the thong part thats what the ref looks like, but i think im gonna start changing them to under pants lol