This is my first time posting something on the internet for feedback, I'm currently a 3D and Animation student and we had to create a character for an assignment.
This is what I have so far, I had the zbrush sculpt that I made when taking a zbrush course last year,I think what I struggle the most is to get the right proportions and I'm still working on that, Its all about practice.

If you have suggestions let me know, tear it apart if you will lol

Shirt made in zbrush

Backpack sculpt in zbrush.

Here is a quick render in Marmoset with the final game-res mesh using only AO and Normal maps

I'll keep this updated as I go, next update will be the diffuse maps. :poly121:
I'll post a video of the turntable later tonight
Original Photo
Image provided by Houzz
Let me know what you think
Things look pretty good i like the textures on the backpack. humm on the shirt the breasts need to come from the armpit a little aswell otherwise its a little off looking. go back you your life drawing class work ( if ya had that ) and see if im right. my wife is sleeping so i cant check real quick.
The image recreation looks good besides the obvious super reflective floor. and i dont blame ya for not doing the flowers dude haha.
Keep it up man. im kinda tired so mu anatomy is a little lazy for a good critique for ya man.
I wanna make a base base that I can use when sculpting new models, this was my very first zbrush sculpt using zsphere, which are really powerful but I had problems with the topology on some areas.
also I'm gonna fix the floor shader for the interior over the weekend,that was just blinn material with the texture for scale purpose.
What I'd recommend working on from here is your anatomy, I think you could have worked on your forms more. Also, I'd add a little more volume to the clothing, right now they look like mesh, not real clothing.
Good luck!
good start so far.
However, there are a few things that come to my mind.
The backpack isn't looking leathery for me right now. Not sure if you've created a spec / gloss map for it yet. If not, that's the problem right there. Also add some normal details with some leather texture to it.
For the gameres mesh you might wanna do hairplanes instead of baking sculpted hair onto a lowpoly mesh. At least in my experience it gives a much better result.
Keep it up though!