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I've been planning to do a Victorian/steampunk character for a while. It just so happens that this competition has a deadline a little after what I was personally aiming for, so yay!

Despite there not being limits in the competition, for it to be relevant to my portfolio I'll be having game-res output in mind. Not going for hard limits or anything, but just going to keep that in mind.
Good luck, everyone, and have fun!

I think I'll be going for something along these lines:

Going to pick some hair, maybe a hat, and refine some details in the next couple of nights. ^_^
Best of luck Elyaradine!
by the way, nice concept, looking forward for 3d
Make sure to click the register button on the official page and provide at least your name, WIP post URL, and Mixamo login or associated email.
That way, we can make sure you have free access to Mixamo and Houdini services for your contest project.
The design so far. Still going to refine the design on the back, fix the shorts (which look a bit thick and crap) and maybe add some colour to get a feel for my palette. Was hoping to be done with the design by tomorrow night, but I think I need some more passes to make sure I know what I want.
Nothing worse than changing an idea once sculpting/modelling's already started. <_<
Fixed some stuff that was bothering me and stopping me from sleeping properly. Mainly her shorts, which looked like... nappies or something. :P
Thanks for this, and I agree. I'll try some other variations tonight. I'm thinking of making it shorter, and more like girlygirl hotpants, maybe with frills at the bottom.
I'll also be introducing her super ultimate mega extreme super weapon...
Concept with the main colours I've picked so far. I'll likely be adding more splashes of colour in trims and stuff. Also, I want to give her an umbrella or parasol as a weapon. I'd reeeally like it to be able to shoot, but designing that's been real slow. (Struggling to fit all the mechanics of a gun into an umbrella that can close up. Maybe I can... bend reality...)
Started on the sculpt last night using a base mesh I made last year; blocked in most of the pieces, and sculpted the face and hair. I'm going to leave the skirt out for now. I'm not sure how best to tackle that; maybe a cloth sim is the best way to go.
I think she looks rather pretty!
i love the shoes... and the little hat! XD
will the red parts be metals?
nothing to say about the base so far... looking forward to see the progress!
im in too just dont know where to start yet
Was so pumped to work more tonight, but got home to find that somehow my stylus had gotten crushed in my bag... and it's now unusable.
So bleak. Looking at ordering a new one, but they're not cheap.
So... this update is in memory of a stylus who's served me well for many a year, but who, it seems, died at the murderous, chrome-finished surface of a company iPad. May she rest in peaceful pieces.
i dont think you need it but good luck man:thumbup:
I failed big freaking time banging my head against Houdini trying to get the cloth sim working the way I expected. If I use a cylinder, the cloth sim seems to work roughly as expected (except that it makes these unattractive curls on the bottom edges of the cloth). If I import an fbx and try running the cloth sim on that, it barely does anything, and behaves much more stiffly regardless of the stiffness settings I used.
So I thought, screw that, and just sculpted the skirt in place, and if it doesn't sim correctly I don't care any more.
Still got the hat to do, a belt buckle, some way of holding the cloth on her back together (I painted in thready things, but I don't think it works yet), and possibly her weapon. The weapon I'm leaving as optional for now, as the only mocap that really jumped out at me was the Gangnam style... :P but I'll keep looking.
Getting a bit impatient with the highpoly though, and I'm itching to retopo.
Don't get discouraged for the cloth sim: I'm trying my best to get you guys some tutorials/walkthroughs and I want to see if I can get a Houdini veteran to stop by the forums and advise you if you run into some technical difficulties.
Again: this looks great. Keep up the good work!
Looks like you're ahead of most participants, so you should have plenty of time to figure out Houdini's cloth sim.
Best of luck!
the only thing that bothers me a little bit is the hair... i dont know, from the front it nearly looks like some dreadlocks...
but all is awesome! i am looking forward your progress!
Also, for the fun of it, the game mesh (without cloth) with some free Mixamo mocap. :P The autorigger's pretty cool. There are some skinning problems, and I don't think it positions the skeletal fingers where they actually are on my figure (the thumb in particular seems to get... confused), but fun times!
Still looking at adding some hair strips to break things up a bit, as well as (maybe) a bit of grit and variation.
And then... I'll be looking at redoing stuff using displacement instead of normal maps. ~whimper~ (I'm silently hoping that there'd be a way to use normal maps on Houdini skinned meshes. <_<)
I found this which helped me to create my displacement and normal map : http://vimeo.com/22488816
I hope it'll help you too
Mimiws, it's a real-time render using Marmoset at the moment, as my main focus is getting a game art portfolio together. I'll get to the Houdini bit later on. The transparent details are done in a transparency map, which Marmoset reads as an alpha channel in the diffuse texture.