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Common UV Headus Problem (overlapping uv)

polycounter lvl 8
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MisterSande polycounter lvl 8
Hey guys,

I have this common issue when unwrapping inside of Headus UV Layout:

how do I fix these overlapping UV's ?


Another problem Ive encountered with Headus UVLayout is that when I Save a WIP project inside of Headus I cannot re-edit it in 3dview anymore whenever I try to load it again. I think it is because Headus asigns a UV to everything despite the user not wanting that.


  • toolpaddz
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    toolpaddz polycounter lvl 10
    looking at your image I'd guess you attached something like a circle or sphere shaped form to it. I'd dare say you have much to many shells attached to one another without having to look at your model. You do know that every edge above 90° should generally be detached to another shell?

    Apart from that, rewelding edges is done with the W hotkey. If the edges do not come together in the model, you could try to move verts manually around (ctrl/shift/ctrl+shift+MMB) and/or pin them, so they won't move when you relax the shell again (p hotkey).
    As to your other problem: how do you save your model (there's "update", "save" and the temp saves (1-5 buttons at the top) and which version of UVLayout do you use?
  • MisterSande
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    MisterSande polycounter lvl 8
    thanks for the reply guys, I will look into the Headus tutorials and stay away from +90 degrees edges.

    As to how I save my model; I usually use a combination of the temp saves (1-5) with a regular save. In my example I made sure I saved out a regular save in order to work on it again later. The problem is that Headus "drops" all objects to canvas/uv even when you do did not assign one to a certain part yet. It is pretty annoying since I would have to start all over again.
  • toolpaddz
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    toolpaddz polycounter lvl 10
    if you want to keep all previously applied settings, such as the exact shells you dropped, the verts you pinned, the edges you tagged, etc., you can only do so in an internal uvlayout format. That means you should save as an .uvl or use the temp file saves. You should be able to just doubleclick them to launch UVLayout and open up the file.

    The UPDATE button is to keep the original .obj's other data - if existant. It basically just reads the original file and modifies only the UV data while keeping everything else untouched, but it requires you to update the original and unmodified (!) .obj you loaded into UVLayout. If you modified it, you will most likely get errors.

    The SAVE button is to save out the actual model for further use in 3d apps (which, of course, you can do with the update button as well), but instead REWRITES the file, overwriting any data you might had stored within the original .obj.

    I strongly advise using the update-button to export .objs or the uvpipe plugin (found at norman3d.com) for quicker import/export from 3ds max.
  • MisterSande
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    MisterSande polycounter lvl 8
    thank you so much for the info toolpaddz. Sadly enough I cannot find the update button in my version of UV Layout (legit license). I couldn't find any information on this anymore but did they might combined the SAVE and UPDATE button ?

    *EDIT* found it!
    In the current release of UVLayout, this blending of the new UVs with the loaded OBJ file is automatic, so you only ever need to use the Save button. The Update button will be hidden away, and only appears when it might be needed, such as when you've loaded a UVL file that was saved out from an earlier version of UVLayout.

    Just have to manually change the file extension to .uvl using the save option .
  • toolpaddz
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    toolpaddz polycounter lvl 10
    Just have to manually change the file extension to .uvl using the save option .

    The temp file buttons save in .uvl as well. Plus it's much faster to use them. I personally only use a manual .uvl save when I need a custom name, such as when the file is final. But this is probably a matter of taste.

    Glad I could help!
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