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Boones Booms Van. Critiques welcome

I spent the last little bit trying to create a van for everyones favourite surly new vegas follower Boone. Let me know what you guys think. TgdwR#mP6Us


  • PhoenixWolf
    Offline / Send Message
    PhoenixWolf polycounter lvl 9
    this is a good start. I think the spec is a bit too dull and can be brought up a bit. another thing is try to make the details match up between UV breaks such as the rust on the back of the van next to the door in the lower corner. alot of your environmental details look "random" and doesnt seem as if they would have happened that way.
  • Raymango
    Thanks Ill touch up a bunch of that stuff and take a look at the uv breaks more closely. Thanks for the crit!
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