Well the sales are probably winding down about now. But I just wanted to post one of my biggest and most pleasant surprises is a game called Fairy Bloom Freesia. It's only $4.00 and you play as a magical anime girl who fights off little slime balls over and over again in the forest.
The combat in the game is amazing and I would describe it as a cross between Street Fighter and Super R-Type. Doesn't make sense? Well basically you have combos and you can block and flip out all over the screen because remember you are a fairy girl.
But as the game progresses the enemies start to shoot so many bullets in the air, that it starts to feel almost like you are playing a super R-Type just to prevent yourself from being blown up. And then when you finally do hit the ground there are so many enemies that there is barely any place to stand!
It is a really really fun game. But I would say having a gamepad is absolutely a necessity.
The developers are called Edelweiss aparently than they also have another game for $4 called Ether Vapor Remaster. I think I'll pick it up too it looks pretty cool. I just wanted to post this to show some support to these developers who I now realize that I like quite a bit.
I heard a few people say that, but I thought this year's sale was amazing. And just because something wasn't on the front page doesn't mean it wasn't on sale. You could find a lot of good stuff just by clicking around - chances were it was 50% off!
I spent $200 this year and walked away like a bandit, I feel. I now have 124 games on my Steam account, of which I've only payed full price for 4 of those games.
I've only beat about 8 of them too xD
Yes, please buy it so we get a sequel!
I spent 30 hours on my first game O.o
I did decide to try the largest map and max number of enemies, but damn.
Holy shit.. I was thinking of grabbing it when it was $16. Glad I waited.
I complained about this sale too, but in the end, I've purchased more this holiday sale than the last.. so I guess I'm just a hypocrite
EDIT: I hope some people were able to snipe that deal in time!
Also picked up Fear 3 for the sake of completing my Fear collection, and got the Doom 3 BFG edition when I found out they finally patched in flashlight shadows and things like a FOV option, pretty stoked about that.
Nice sale as a whole, I think I bought fewer games than I ever have in the past, but the number of games I own that I've yet to play is ridiculous as it is so I'm not going to complain.
Same with Civ5...
So I'm trying to make sure that I only buy one game, and not often, and that I then play that game straight away.
The problem with the sales is that I already have the games I want, also some sites have better deals on Steam games year round.
And this always makes me happy:
Looking on Amazon Japan has found some awesome deals on games that are not available through Origin or Steam. I am sure there has to be an equivalent in Korea too.
Most of the legacy stuff i just wanted in my steam lib for replay value, have already been completely surprised by the amount of time spent kicking around with some of these indie titles and have a good handful of the last seasons or so games, all in all likely much more gameplay than i have spare time for.
I didn't grab anything new, very tempted to pick up Xcom or Dishonored but decided to play through what i have first and pick them up later.
They steam redeemable though? I kinda like having that convinience.
if gifting doesn't involve to actually navigate to the game's page on your side, then it may just work. blocked games show up in your library just fine once you bought them. and why shouldn't they. you could have bout them in a country where they are for sale (except I usually don't wan to wait for my yearly vacation where I leave China) and then move to the country where they aren't on sale. steam doesn't take away stuff you managed to buy.
I see you have some Ninja rubbing off on you over there
Yeah, games that aren't available here that I owned previously haven't been. Blocked. Now I just need to go back to Europe to grab Jet Set! :thumbup:
EDIT: Watched this this evening and found it kind of relevant.
He speaks the truth even if he is a knob 50% of the time.
Really wanted Dishonoured or Dark Souls at 75% off this sale but will have to wait for the next one I guess. Got a big enough unplayed library to go through in the mean time. :poly136:
But i got more than enough games from there, so it's ok.
Awesomenauts (Gift)
Dota 2 (Gift) (Thanks 4evra)
Specs Ops: The Line (very very good game)
Tomb Raider Collection
Legacy of Kain Collection
Star Wars: KOTOR
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Complete Pack
Skyrim - Dawnguard
Not bad but not great. Would have loved to have seen Dark Souls and Dishonoured at 75%. There was nothing really 'headline worthy' like that in this sale.