I just bought a SSD and assigned my scratch disks to it (from photoshop).
My OS, Photoshop and all my other programs are still on my regular HD.
Do I have to install photoshop and OS to the SSD to see a significant increase in speed or does it matter...
The reason I ask is because ND02 and DDo are a bit slow and I figure this is because it's constantly writing to the Scratch Disks.
I just did a quick scratch disk test (assigned to the regular HD, then assigned to the SSD), the SSD didn't exactly speed things up by that much... if at all.
So; DDO and NDO2 would be significantly faster on the SSD if all my programs and OS were installed on it?
I'm not really concerned so much with fast boot times; isn't that what usually happens when you install your OS and programs on an SSD?
Now I don't know if dDo or nDo would become significantly better thanks to an SSD drive, since they are rather small programs to run anyways ... As a matter of fact I don't think you would get any performance improvement with such programs at all thanks to a mere faster drive ... Maybe more RAM would help ?
On a side note I'd say that stuff like that is not really the main reason to switch to an SSD really anyways. It's more of an overall system upgrade, and yeah the main boost is overall OS responsiveness and boot times. After a while such fast loading times can be taken for granted, but the difference is quite obvious when one has to go back to a machine with a regular HDD as OS drive.
Hope this helps!