Hi polycounters, first thread here

It will be used to show the realization of a sci-fi space shooter
that another artist and me are actually doing.
We are young french game artists, it's our first "big" project together.
I can't tell you much about the project, simply because nothing is definitive at this time. But we will regularly add news about gameplay, background...
Ok, less talk, more pictures. Here are the first assets I did.

More soon

Oh, and I'm the second game artist on this project
Yep I subscribed to the thread
Good luck with your project!
We know what kind of gameplay it's gonna be. As our project revolves around a strong atmosphere, not just the shoot, we want to create an interior that will be playable (big part of the story) , and who can present the project and our capacities!
And large point, we haven't developers, so for now the gameplay is just on paper.
Thanks for the advice
More soon!
For the moment I show you a quick marmoset render of the hallway. Some textures are just AO+NM.
This is a very quick insights on the mood that corridors should have.