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Game Managment Software

polycounter lvl 6
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repete polycounter lvl 6
Hello all

My game plan is becoming a chaotic mess and starting to melt my head, I need to get organised.

I was thinking of using some form of wiki but most of these are online or server based and not really what I need. What do you use to organise and manage your game(s)?




  • XilenceX
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    XilenceX polycounter lvl 10
    Paper. Folders full of A3 sheets in fact. :p For things I need to do digitally I use Rainlendars TODO list feature. So as you where asking for software you should check that out.
    It certainly saved me countless times from forgetting to implement some functionality/model or whatever. I used some online service to keep track of the promotion work for my first game. It was a crappy experience so I wouldn't do that again. It made me forget/skip more things than if I had just written down what I had, and had not done yet. lol
  • CordellC
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    CordellC polycounter lvl 11
    Pivotal Tracker is a great tool for keeping track of tasks. It's mainly used by software engineers and what not, but we've been using it to keep track of all the tasks for our own game. Little bit of a panic attack once you work out all the tasks and see how much there is to do.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    i would say Pivotal Tracker, if you got the money, or Redmine, whihc would require a server that can run ruby on rails apps.
  • repete
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    repete polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks guys :poly136:

    I worked on PT a few years ago when it was free (worked like a charm for a collab project in after effects) but I am officially on my TOD (own). Thought I would be smart last year and set up a white board in my room but it's now become a modo & unity bible (a god send pun intended:icon15:)

    My small studio is a mess with a4's, stickys, note pads and I get nervous going into it because of the clutter. Once I am in the "zone" (level design) the world could burn and I wouldn't know :thumbup:

    Found this btw: http://zim-wiki.org/screenshots.html

    Yes I am clinging onto the wiki idea as I have grown to love wikipedia over the years and it has never failed me.

    I guess the dream would be to go over to EA or ID software and see how they manage their games in real time.


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