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Evil Dead - New Movie!

Holy crap this looks good.. Fan boys of the evil dead 2 are going to be extremely disappointed though. They`re going to expect comedy. But remember, the first evil dead was not a comedy. It was meant to be a proper horror movie. just.... poorly done.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvDLWlxxcak"]EVIL DEAD - Full Redband Trailer - In Theaters April 12th - YouTube[/ame]


  • skylebones
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    skylebones polycounter lvl 10
    When I first heard they were remaking Evil Dead I figured it was typical hollywood remake BS and it would be crap, Especially because the short film that got the director the job was absolute shit. But after seeing the trailers for this I've changed my mind. As an Evil Dead fanboy I'm stoked for this.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Worth a watch sure, thanks for the heads up.
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    Fuck. Yes!

    As an Evil Dead fanboy, I too am stoked.
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Where's Bruce Campbell XO

    I hope they do an Army of Darkness remake :D
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    Torch wrote: »
    Where's Bruce Campbell XO

    I hope they do an Army of Darkness remake :D

    I honestly hope they don't do an Army of Darkness remake... unless they plan on sticking with straight horror. I loved the hell out of the original Evil Dead, enjoyed the second Evil Dead, and tolerated the slapstick that was Army of Darkness.

    Drag Me To Hell was a better horror flick than Army of Darkness. In a world where "torture porn" is considered "horror", I welcome the return of true horror flicks.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    If they had to do a remake of Evil Dead, I think I'm glad that it's so far removed from the original that it's practically unrecognisable and could easily have gone under a different title.

    Thankfully, I think Army of Darkness' fusion of horror, fantasy and 3 Stooges is probably too weird to warrant a remake
  • slipsius
    Torch wrote: »
    Where's Bruce Campbell XO

    I hope they do an Army of Darkness remake :D

    he's one of the producers...
  • skylebones
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    skylebones polycounter lvl 10
    Oh man don't even discuss such things here! They might hear you. With my luck an Army of Darkness remake would star Steve Carell in the role of Ash. But instead of a wise cracking smart ass he'd be a bumbling car salesman who's can't hold a sword properly and hilarity ensues. Charlize Theron stars as the princess, but instead of a helpless lass she's secretly a bad ass warrior who's been training behind her fathers back. Constantly saving Carell despite him getting the credit as the 'savior' of the land.

    I hate life.
  • StephenVyas
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    StephenVyas polycounter lvl 18
    I'm not sure how I feel about this one... I'm one of those evildead fanboys.

    I just don't know.. They branded themselves towards a type of genre that became synonymous with cheesy horror

    I want the good popcorn flick full of 'oh man.. that's soo bad ... I LOVE IT!!!"

    For me, I'm not a straightup horror fan. It's too 1 dimensional without the ability to play off of itself.

    I'll have to watch afew more trailers to get the feel for this one, but so far I remain unconvinced that it will be even close as entertaining.
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Geezus wrote: »
    I honestly hope they don't do an Army of Darkness remake... unless they plan on sticking with straight horror. I loved the hell out of the original Evil Dead, enjoyed the second Evil Dead, and tolerated the slapstick that was Army of Darkness.

    How dare you :poly127: Army of Darkness ruled!

  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    Evil Dead 2 had almost as much slapstick in it as Army of Darkness..I think it's what made the movies great..I'm sure this will be a good horror movie....but without the shtick, I'm not sure it will measure up to what I liked about the originals...
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    low odor wrote: »
    ...but without the shtick, I'm not sure it will measure up to what I liked about the originals...

    You mean the 'Boom' Shtick?
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    rubbish.. what a bunch of total arse..
  • Rockley Bonner
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    Rockley Bonner polycounter lvl 12
    i have to watch this now
  • ZombieWells
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    ZombieWells polycounter lvl 12
    F*%k Yeah! I don't care as long as I get my Evil Dead fix. Its been around ten years and I am tired of hand rewinding my VHS... my fingers are starting to hurt.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Hm. On second watch, I'm not sure what I was thinking when I said that was unrecognisable. They have everything right down to the first person camera moving rapidly through the woods. Still, I'm not hating what I see there. It's unnecessary, but it doesn't look terrible. Kinda hoping it has a little more black humour than the trailer suggests. Something with the tone of Drag Me to Hell would be ideal.
  • Lord McMutton
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    Lord McMutton polycounter lvl 17
    From what I hear, one of the female characters becomes the female version of Ash.
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    PUMPED FOR THISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    From what I hear, one of the female characters becomes the female version of Ash.
    Did they end up calling her Ashley Williams?

    Hm. On that note it's a pity Mass Effect has been and gone without me ever thinking to make an Evil Dead joke.

    On another note, this is a terrible poster
  • Wesley
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    Wesley polycounter lvl 14
    Should have just got rid of the text...
  • LRoy
    Offline / Send Message
    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    yeah it works way better without the text thats just going to disappoint people
  • slipsius
    the text would work if the image behind it wasnt the girl standing, but rather the girl looking at the camera with an xacto blade 3 inches into her tongue
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    i dont think its even that. it's like telling everyone you have the funniest joke they've ever heard. it puts peoples expectations sky high before you even start.
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    "Strange one!"

    I still remember the first time seeing Army of Darkness without having seen any of the Evil Dead flicks, thinking 'Is this supposed to be serious?'

    Check out 1:35 for the awesome 'power-jump-into-chainsaw' move, listen for the click :D

  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    There's a difference between psychological horror, and a gore fest. The latter is technically impressive sometimes but very wanton, I hate it.

    Actually I hate the horror genre in general, it's hard to find one that either doesn't make me roll my eyes or doesn't make me sick.

    I was hoping for a comedy. But now I'm not very interested. Just my preference, I don't like feeling sick so I stay out of this stuff.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Makkon wrote: »
    There's a difference between psychological horror, and a gore fest. The latter is technically impressive sometimes but very wanton, I hate it.

    Actually I hate the horror genre in general, it's hard to find one that either doesn't make me roll my eyes or doesn't make me sick.

    I was hoping for a comedy. But now I'm not very interested. Just my preference, I don't like feeling sick so I stay out of this stuff.

    Especially considering recent horror movies seem to be all about throwing up SOMETHING or having something disgusting enter peoples esophagus by force, which is a massive no no.
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    I really like the original movies and this looked interesting until I saw how over the top the new one is. Not a fan of "blood puke" that seems to be finding its way into movies nor the fact that what I consider 'torture porn' is apparently the new hotness. That tongue cut and makeout part...yeah.... fuckin gross.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    praetus wrote: »
    'torture porn' is apparently the new hotness. .

    still? I thought this would have gotten old by now :( nothing wrong with classic splatter stuff tho, as long as it doesn't take itself too damn serious.
  • Paradan
    so I just got back from seeing this, and it's pretty good. It's not gonna go down in history as one of the great horror films, but I didn't regret going to see it.

    It has one excellent thing about it though, the guy that wrote the score managed to pull off the perfect horror movie soundtrack. I felt it was really well done, even something worth nominating for some kind of movie award.

    Oh, and Jessica Lucas is purdy.
  • Lord McMutton
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    Lord McMutton polycounter lvl 17
    If anyone else watches, be sure to stay 'til after the credits.
  • Snacuum
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    Snacuum polycounter lvl 9
    Having never been a fan of gory horror movies and having only seen Army of Darkness, that trailer was not what I expected.
  • ScudzAlmighty
    Snacuum wrote: »
    Having never been a fan of gory horror movies and having only seen Army of Darkness, that trailer was not what I expected.

    While the whole Evil Dead trilogy has a fairly comedic slant, the first two a much more horror first, jokes second. Each movie has less horror, more comedy than the one before it and AoD, at times, comes damn close to being a spoof.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    just saw this tonight. Fucking so over the top and awesome. the gore is extreme for sure, almost to the point of comedy fore sure and there were many points where the whole audience let out a huge cringe sound but everyone there had a good time. a couple scares but overall just super cool. campy like the originals in a couple parts and brilliant practical effects.

    Its definitley not sadistic torture porn like saw or hostel though where you feel sick. having seen the orignals I can see the choices they made to make it different and why fans of the original are raving about it in a good way. I also was lucky enough to catch the evil dead musical 2 years ago and be in splatter row to get soaked with blood which was an awesome show and super halarious time. if it comes to a town near you......go see it.
  • Snacuum
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    Snacuum polycounter lvl 9
    I felt a little sick just watching the trailer. It's funny, I don't have a shred of a problem with gore and horror in games. In fact horror games are some of my favourite.
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