Hi all, hope we're having a great start to the year

Something I'm doing for university and to step outside of my comfort zone and use more Zbrush

Here is the sculpt and poly paint so far...

and here is my latest image of it rendered in realtime.

Still loads to do and things to fix including the creation of a diorama for it to be posed on.
Despite limited time, any help/feedback or suggestions is most welcome

Thanks for viewing

Still some texture work to be done but I'll get back to that towards the end of the assignment as I need to do some documentation and start a diorama for him to stand on...
I'v also got some UV space left over so I'm thinking of giving him an additional accessory... Any thoughts?
The deltoids came of pretty well, the pecs should had followed a similar shape buildup. Those harsh stripes over the pecs don't make sense. Muscle fiber grows towards the attachment points.
The upper abs looks like a second set of pecs or fat as they seem to stretch horizontally over the entire front. Due to the nature of this character you could put in some really sweet abs which would add to the sense of strength and menace, particularly in that pose.
On the lower parts of the legs I'm not even sure what's going on really, same goes for the thighs where it seem you had some reference for the front but then improvised on the sides.
Look up reference on goat legs and human legs and try to blend. I know definitely that the lower calf (which I suppose is the quadrupled equivalent to a human foot) mostly consist of sinew. Think of how much you can beef up a foot really.
So to summarize; keep studying anatomy, both human and animal. Also a tip for your reference is to have a mix of anatomy charts and photos. Photos inform how muscles are shaped and interact with the skin while charts are excellent for keeping track of the underlying structure.
I can definitely see what you're getting at and I can assure you I do have reference which I'm sure I'll get better at utilising over time. For this particular project though I'm not after creating something super tight and by that I mean I'm leaning in the direction of something akin to Darksiders with a bit more of a 'crafted' feel with extreme proportions (like The Makers or Demons from Darksiders 2).
The stripes on the chest are not representing muscular fibre they're just a pattern to add to the diffuse, but if you think they're conflicting somewhat I'll revisit them
Maybe some side and rear views of the lower leg will convey better where I'm trying to go with them, I'll try and get some up after I've had some sleep
Much appreciated for the feedback AimBiz
Additionally, their stuff is super tight. Just take a look at the hipoly models.