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Water Well - 3 Styles Rendering

Hi !

New quick work, I want to make 3 of them, each with a different style:

- An old school cartoon one (Warcraft, Diablo, ...)
- A next-gen cartoon one (Darksiders, ...)
- A Realistic one (Uncharted, ...)

Here's the first water well, the old-school cartoon :)


The quick concept and the Diffuse Map:




  • Tomm
    Hey, nice idea and great work.

    There's something about the wood texture I don't quite like, maybe some more saturated colors and exaggerated wavy/wood patterns would make it look better.

    And wouldn't it be more effective to use as many tiling textures as possible? like for the roof tiles and the base of the well(bricks) and maybe even wood? I'm no pro, just curious.

    Also did you bake an AO before starting to texture?
  • PhoenixWolf
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    PhoenixWolf polycounter lvl 9
    this is a solid piece and i like your target you have set to make the same asset in 3 different styles that is a strong skill to shown that you can execute a wide variety of art styles.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    This looks cool, I like the textures a lot can't wait to see the different versions later on :)
  • typechristopher
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    typechristopher polycounter lvl 11
    looks really cool, just one thing, can the bucket get into the well as it seems kinda tight.
  • linkov
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    linkov polycounter lvl 10
    that stone platform your well is sitting on, is brighter than the well itself. generally, you'd want that to be other way around. I hope you don't mind me overpainting. It's quick and dirty, but you get the idea.


    also, can't help it, but unique mapped stone base is feels kinda waste of UV space. same thing goes for all cylindrical stuff you have.
  • Ulrick
    @Tomm: I did not want to use "tileable" textures because I worked it like an unique asset, like a building in Warcraft or Heroes of M&M. In a whole "Village" pack or something like that, yes, it would be more useful :)

    And yes, I baked an AO from 3D Coat :)

    @linkov: Man I feel like noob :D It's so obvious... I will correct that ASAP !
    Nice overpaint btw, it doesn't mind me at all :)
  • frostraver
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    frostraver polycounter lvl 9
    Your well looks really nice.
    One remark I have is that you do't have a lot of colours. Everything seems kind of brown except for the roof. Maybe you can get some grass or moss in between the stones.
    I won't be doing a paintover because I suck at painting and really should take some time to practice. :)
  • HitmonInfinity
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    HitmonInfinity polycounter lvl 11
    Looking forward to the rest! Awesome idea and nice work so far.
  • Kon Artist
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    Kon Artist polycounter lvl 8
    @Ulrick, This is great! I'm thinking of having my students do something like this for a project. Do you think it would be better for them to do something like this or one of the monthly noob challenges? Thanks!
  • Ulrick
    Hi !

    I know it's been a while but I've completed the realistic one and added some corrections on the cartoon one:

    - Added a "Gradient" which darken the lower part
    - Saturated a bit the colors and add some details


    @Kon Artist: I don't know, I actually discuss that with a texturing teacher: I gave her the idea to realise different version of the same assets, with different styles, and decided to make it for myself too (so this water-well). It's a good exercice but I don't know if it's better (or not) than a monthly challenge. The deadline of the challenge and the fact that a lot a people participate are very powerfull motivations for ur students too... :)
  • Ulrick
    (Well I realize I've changed the old version link by the new one... sorry for the destroyed "WIP" ...)
  • David-J
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    David-J polycounter lvl 11
    Cool exercise. Love how both ended up. There is one thing that kinda confuses me. When you went the realistic approach I thought it was going to be model and textures. Right now it seems you kept the cartoony, wonky model proportions but use realistic textures. I mean, it looks good but I thought you were going for a full on realistic.

    So the next one is going to be Darksiders like?
  • Kon Artist
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    Kon Artist polycounter lvl 8
    Looking good. It seems that you added a little bit of geo. to the bucket, but nothing else... Maybe consider changing up the top roof geo. on the realistic one.
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