Hello guys, haven't posted on here for awhile, I think it's 2 years now, just been watching you guys build your beautiful models.
Anyway, from the title you can tell I'm starting on an Iron Man model in Zbrush, something I've wanted to do for ages.
Critique and Comment's are welcome

This is one of the pieces of reference I am using:

Now here are the screenshots:

Im curious as to how will you be approaching this? Are you going to try to sculpt the head in zbrush or sculpt a reference mesh and use that the build a hard surface mesh (using extract/retopo/clipping brushes in ZBrush)?
I'm doing the reference mesh method. I'm most likely going to do full body too.
I aligned the model up to the reference picture in Photoshop which showed quite a few inaccuracies. So I tried to fix it up, but now there seems something wrong but just can’t quite tell what it is.