Helloo polycounters,
Here's my latest character piece that I 've been working on in and out lately. Don't feel like doing any more changes as I kinda grew tired of it. Face based on a Korean child actress.
Realtime renders in Marmoset.

HighRes Clay renders:

- BoBo
Good piece
Dem clay renders!
one of my favourite films
@Hugh: Lmao.
@Fieldscarecrow: You re pretty much spot on. Love that movie but I first saw the actress in A brand new life, really interesting too by the way.
@dustinbrown: Nice observation. Tried to kinda exaggerate this feature because it is so prominent and I thought this characteristic makes the face so interesting. Here is some of the ref I used + face sculpt:
Again, thank you all!
Maybe fill out the top lip just a tad more, right now it looks a little rabbity, but I'd say it works with the overall shading and style if that's what you're going for. Not too much to crit on, good job!
Only suggestion is I'd say you don't have to do as much with the diffuse around the nose, the shader is already doing a lot and right now it's a little messy. Maybe soften the diffuse of the face in general (notice in the refs she has very even coloring). On a personal note I think it'd be great to see more movement in the hair like in the last reference pic, I think it'd help make the piece a little less masculine. Fuller cheeks and reducing the chin a bit would also help for that.
lower lip seems like one solid piece though.
check this out:
if you look at photos you posted you can see a little bit of shade in the middle of the lower lip. it's pretty subtle but it does hint at lip being made of two pieces.