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[Max] Several questions concerning modeling edicate

Hey guys! I've been struggling with some of the concepts I've learned about games. I figured it would be a good idea to ask them all at once. So here it goes:

1) Whats a decent poly/triangle count for a high and low model? I know this depends on the model but I guess I just don't understand how much a regular PC can handle, or a phone for that matter. What about a multiplayer game?

2) I'm attempting to develop a game that will have many models on screen simultaneously, I don't know how to budget my tris

3) Do you make the high poly model first? I've heard some controversy over this matter.

4) What's the difference between an AO and a normal map? I know they both bounce light on the model to define depth but how are they different? What other maps do you guys use?

5) Should every model have an AO and a normal map? A high and low poly? What would be an exception?

6) Whats the most optimal units to work in? Or what do you prefer for that matter, and why?

Here's a model of a table I made:

7) Should the legs even be connected to the bottom of the table? That just creates more triangles - I don't see how it would be an issue if they were not connected

8 )How would I go about making my higher poly model, or would this be considered the low poly? I've read some of EQ's tutorials but since these aren't cylinders I expect that the 90 degree edges are not a problem?

Here's another screenshot from a different angle:

Any other critique concerning my model would also be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for putting up with my novice questions :) and if you guys just want to drop me links to threads I should read that's fine too!


  • JamesWild
    Offline / Send Message
    JamesWild polycounter lvl 8
    Normal map = changes the lighting direction inside the triangles to hint at more geometry being there

    Ambient occlusion = some "generic shading" which looks kinda like an overcast day which helps make models look more solid by adding shadows in the places we expect them to be generally.

    I'd not bother joining the legs to the bottom; most of the time that table's gonna be viewed from above, and the triangle will likely be backface culled as a result so the slight fillrate cost of not having holes in the bottom is negated anyway.

    Games don't work in any specific units; there are of course exceptions like simulators, but generally stuff is sized so it plays well and doesn't look wrong. As long as your table is the right size for your chairs, which are the right size for the characters, it'll be good.

    You could optimize this a little more but this is generally about low poly. Look up subdivision modelling - you make a model specifically designed to smooth nicely using turbosmooth by adding triple edge loops to support the shape.
  • Iconic
    JamesWild wrote: »
    Normal map = changes the lighting direction inside the triangles to hint at more geometry being there

    Ambient occlusion = some "generic shading" which looks kinda like an overcast day which helps make models look more solid by adding shadows in the places we expect them to be generally.

    I'd not bother joining the legs to the bottom; most of the time that table's gonna be viewed from above, and the triangle will likely be backface culled as a result so the slight fillrate cost of not having holes in the bottom is negated anyway.

    Games don't work in any specific units; there are of course exceptions like simulators, but generally stuff is sized so it plays well and doesn't look wrong. As long as your table is the right size for your chairs, which are the right size for the characters, it'll be good.

    You could optimize this a little more but this is generally about low poly. Look up subdivision modelling - you make a model specifically designed to smooth nicely using turbosmooth by adding triple edge loops to support the shape.

    Thanks, this really clears up many of my questions. :)
  • Trapd00r
    Well..you will want AO and Normal maps on a surface that you are attempting to portray an illusion of depth on....The normal map tells whatever rendering instructions you have which direction to make each pixel of your material appear to be facing...for example the tangent space normals are all on the blue channel in order to only effect the shadows when it comes to Z plane depth....but if you were to have object space normals you are able to define this illusion of depth from all 3 dimensions. The normal map is an easy way to substitute geometry without loosing the illusion of height detail. The Ambient Occlusion pass generates a map that will define via grey scale just how "occluded" the geometry is from the light source/sources; the whole premise for an AO map is to show shadow detail that is most likely present among any light sources.. Basically it takes ray tracing samples from each vertex in an omni-directional manner and grabs a gray scale value wherever light begins to refract..it corresponds to the distance the ray of light must travel to hit a surface in its proximity...at the end of the day it is an intense calculation that allows you to simulate shadows without having so much manual geometry for real-time ray tracing..As to whether you start modeling High to Low..its all up to you and your own style but a good foundation in Low Level Geometry would be a better start if you are learning the basics. The closer any two points in space are to one another the more defined they will appear to a light source...maps just plug in some value in a ray tracing algorithm that effects the way details are portrayed on a planar/flat surface. The detail on the top surface of your model could be faked using a normal map with rgb detail....check out a free program http://quixel.se/nDo1/ You could do a good bit to optimize this mesh for a game...

    -Separate the top of the table from the legs and get rid of unnecessary construction edges..your table only really needs 10 faces if you could fake the top with a normal map (you could even bake a normal map with the current table top's geometry and just use that on a 10 sided table top)

    -You could remove the edge loop that runs down the center of the legs and you would regain a good bit with minimal loss to the contour of the shape

    -Unless this table is going to bounce & bend around like a cartoon, there is no need to have the model as one piece, you can just combine separate objects into one and that will save you some geometry.

    Which brings me to say one last thing..the reason you want to model in quads is for triangulation and deformation purposes...whenever you hit triangulate the operation goes smooth because it is just cutting each 4 sided polygon in half so there is a flat surface to stretch the Normal,AO,Diffuse..ect...across...when you model with triangles up front you are making that process much more complicated mathematically for ray tracing and interpolations or deformation....when something is animated the edge flow is really important. Until you really understand why you are doing some things with the geometry....try to make everything with 4 sided faces and you will be on the right track.

    -Keep It Up!-
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