Hey everyone, I've been meaning to post some of my work recently but I've been pretty busy. But now, with a nice Xmas vacation, it's given me some time to play around with CryEngine 3!
At first I just bought the Eat3d Cryengine Intro + Material tutorials and wanted to make a simple scene to practice some of CE3 workflows. But one thing led to another (mostly because there seems to be an endless amount of cool trinkets in CE3) and I seem to have a full fledged scene on my hands.
**(reserved space for latest and greatest WIP)**
What I have so far:
Up to this point, my intentions were to just build some 3D assets in a variety of methods. From modular, to large exported chunks, foreground methods vs background methods. So my methods of buildings this stuff has really been a mish-mash exercise. I wanted to rely heavily on scene assembly in engine, for obvious reasons, and try out some interesting efficient texturing I've seen in some cry scenes.
I have about 80% of the models i need in right now. Minus some background pieces, a few nick nacks up front, and the railway system.
What I'm in the middle of doing:
Right now im just trying to get all assets in. Textures at around 50-70% and lock down the feel of my scene. No point in getting into the nitty gritty of details if the whole scene feels off. Ive been on a day of just goofing around with post effects, and texture values, environmental effects, ocean etc.
Scope of scene:
I really hope to get every model in and set in place soon, with everything textured soon after. Then I expect a long time of revisions on materials, textures and post effects. And since this has mostly been a practice canvas to learn CryEngine on, I hope to throw a bit of almost everything cryengine can do on an intermediate level in there.
Although I dont plan on having the sci-fi section on the top to be super elaborate, nor as tall. I am going to use this section to try out Ddo and build it all very modular.
Room for changes:
Right now I've had my nose to the books on the process of cryengine, that I feel I may have neglected the art a bit. So Id love to get some feedback on just about everything right now. And even if you had some interesting feedback on a whole scene shift, I'm all ears.
Anyways, I based this scene off this great concept by
John Liberto.

And here are some shots I have so far.

I have the next couple days to go full time on this. But after this xmas vacation, I have to go back to my full time duties and this will go back to a lunchtime/weekend piece.
Thanks in advanced. Sorry about the long write up.
TL;DR - I just wanted to dabble in CE3, got carried away. Scene is just a mix of methods. Trying to just get everything in, cameras/feel established. Then polishing off textures/materials, adding all the minor touches. Neglected art a bit, would love feedback.
You should set up your camera like in the concept so we can get a better understanding of what you have done?