Progress update:

Hey guys! I've been lurking for awhile and have learned so much from everybody here, but am new to actually posting here. I've been using Zbrush for awhile, but decided I really want to buckle down and get my stuff together. I've recently decided that I want to try my hand at working in the games industry, so I'm opening this thread up to get my anatomy up to snuff, while also learning more about game restrictions and attractive characters.
I decided to pick an existing game character, and take it from start to finish for the first time as a way to create a workflow for myself. Anyway, I picked Draven from League of Legends.
Here is Eoin's concept I'm working from (not using it as an image plane, just for reference):

And this is the initial 4 or so hour sculpt from a dynamesh sphere:

I'm not too keen on the back of the knees... I think that area needs more volume...
I definitely agree with you. Since I'm still trying to get better with anatomy, trying to stylize things with the concept is seeming pretty difficult. I'll try to check that and fix it up
I also started working on the face. I decided to use a separate mesh so I could get some more resolution independent of the rest of the body. It's looking pretty unremarkable at this point, which is something I'm not sure how to shake. There's also something about the torso/ribcage area that is bugging me. Any crits would be great!
Gonna start on some hair and then accessories next.
by the looks of it, it appears as though that ridge is the arch of the ribcage
but on a muscular guy that would be covered by all the muscle
sorry, just saw this comment! thanks for the crit scapulator, I definitely see what you mean. it's a case of stylization gone wrong, I think. I will definitely take another look at it and soften up the bone and add some muscle on top of it
But, yeah. Take it as a grain of salt.
The idea of doing the low poly with so many little subtools seems so daunting and long. Is it better to retopo, texture, then low poly? Or will it work fine painting on the high poly before any retopo?
Any crits or comments would be really helpful, as I have a ton to learn. Thanks guys