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Magic: The Gathering

polycounter lvl 14
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Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
Have any of you heard of this card game? Apparently some people like it so I decided to buy a deck and see what was up.

Maybe we should talk about it and be friends.

Who likes Magic? Why? What do you do? What's your favorite deck build right now? What's your favorite card? Favorite art?





  • SnowInChina
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    SnowInChina interpolator
    i´ve played it ~15 years ago for some time
    its really fun if you have equal opponents you can play with

    thing is, the cards that are rare are often good, so you need to buy alot of cards to have a good deck
    even if you trade you have to have good cards that you can trade for the ones you need..
    and the cards cost alot of money

    damn, i wish i hadnt been that stupid to sell all the stuff i had back then, it would propably be worth alot of money now
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    Well, that all just fits in constructed deck rules, right? There are other rule sets out there.

    For frame of reference, I played Pokemon cards when I was a teen and everything was 100% constructed, so it was essentially pay to win. I think it's cooler when everyone is given lost of booster packs and they have to make their deck on the spot.

    EDH is pretty cool (100 card deck, only 1 of each card allowed excluding land.)
  • SnowInChina
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    SnowInChina interpolator
    oh my god... i just checked the prices for some magic cards..
    now i hate my younger self...
    the old cards are worth like a gazillion of money

    stupid me.. stupid me
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    heh yeah, I think probably everyone here has at least heard of Magic. It's funny, I was just playing Magic2013 on Steam, and then checked polycount and saw this thread.

    If you like Magic, you should definitely check out the one on Steam. It's on sale now too. Real fun game.
  • willy-wilson
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    willy-wilson polycounter lvl 8

    thing is, the cards that are rare are often good, so you need to buy alot of cards to have a good deck
    even if you trade you have to have good cards that you can trade for the ones you need..
    and the cards cost alot of money

    This only applies if you play standard me and some buddies play every friday at his house drink some hornsby's and play some casual magic either that or risk.

    I have 2 decks i usually use one being an infect deck with 1-3 cost infect creatures and then all 1-3 cost +1-4/+1-4 buffs as long as i can punp out more creatures then them i can usually win turn 3.

    The other deck i have is kinda the same but designed to kill everyone at once in a multiplayer match

    It is centered around 3 cards



  • Memory
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    Memory polycounter lvl 10
    I still have a few decks, I started playing back when the series 'Ravnica' came out. I havn't played in a while though.

    I originally thought it was super nerdy, and it is, but the strategy that goes into making combos and things work is what drew me in. Also, pretty much all of the art is bad ass. If you ever get a chance to go to a tournament or convention or something, do it--a lot of times the artists who draw the pics for the cards are there. You can get some signed works, limited prints etc...

    I like constructing a deck from the ground up from whatever cards I want. Honestly that's why I havn't bought the more recent games. They are alright but really it's mostly pre-made decks with just a bit of card swapping here and there.

    Although it's super old and most of the cards are probably illegal now, I actually had a lot of fun with the 1997 DOS game. If you search for it there are some legit downloads on google.

    Some favs: (I enjoy green/white decks mostly for all the buffs)




    Great, now I want to play...
  • reverendK
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    reverendK polycounter lvl 7
    i used to play a lot. then i didn't have anybody around who could play with me and i was short on rent. so i sold my 4000 or so cards. no way in hell i'm gonna start collecting again...starting over is a huge moneysink.

    little boosterpack tournaments are fun though. I wouldn't mind doin another one of those some time...
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    I used to play very casually with a couple of friends of mine, but I haven't played much at all in the past six-ish months. A lot of guys at work play and they have some sort of league, but it's some janky constructed format and they play for ante. Fuck all kinds of that.

    For a while I was building a blue artifact deck that was a lot of fun to play, but I'm by no means very good at the game, so it wasn't anything that could be used competitively.

    Among the cards in that deck:

    I once played this deck against a white deck that would convert damage dealt into life. By the time we finally decided to call it quits, my friend's life total was over 1000 and the only way the game could end is with one of us decking ourselves. Many laughs were had.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    I gave it a try back when I was just starting high school, but it seemed a little bit too nerdy so I stuck with Dungeons and Dragons.
  • Caldria
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    Caldria polycounter lvl 8
    Haha nice one Jackablade.

    Wow this brings back memories. I played this a lot back in the day, bout 7-9 years ago.

    I still have my cards in really great condition - Maybe I should pick it up again : p
  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    First played it back in 1995, so 17 years ago! Actually got back into it last year, but stopped because the costs were spiraling out of control. Now I just play the versions on Steam; Duels of the Planeswalkers. It's loads of fun and I recommend it. You can buy individual decks or get the whole collection for around £30, which means it won't be costing you the earth and also it's evenly balanced for multiplayer.
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Sorry, not Magic related but is there a Warhammer/40k thread, or anything miniature related? I'm thinking of buying some just for practicing painting on models, but couldn't find a thread XO
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    Squirrels, hundreds of them... overwhelmed...
  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    I used to play this back in high-school, then about 1 year ago some colleagues got me into playing again (damn them, it's such a money and time-sink).

    We play lots of 2-headed-giant at work during lunch (2v2 with shared phases) with custom deck rules to avoid too much pay-2-win and allow people with less cards to still make competitive decks (40 card decks instead of 60, only 2 of the same cards instead of 4, limited to 4 rare cards, 8 uncommon, the rest lands and commons cards).
    We also started playing Duel Commander (like EDH 100 singleton decks, but with changed banlist to make it more balanced for 1v1) which is pretty fun.

    I play on Cockatrice a bit (free alternative) as Bal, or on steam ( http://steamcommunity.com/id/balbafu/ ) with the DOTP games also.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    i've been playing since i was about 10. although i haven't really kept up with the newer card sets, and now my cards aren't legal in tournaments except for the open rules ones.

    my cards are mostly from the Urza Saga, i have a green/white deck, and a white angel deck, both of which are pretty brutal.

    the green/white deck focuses on using elves to generate fast mana, then spawning lots of 1/1 critters, and using congregate to gain +2 life for every creature in play. then stomp the enemy with Serra Avatar (power/toughness is equal to controllers life total, when placed into the graveyard from play, shuffle into owners deck instead) combined with Serra's Embrace (enchant creature - +2/+2, grants flying, and doesn't tap to attack). i also use Ivory Mask a lot.
  • Visceral
    I play magic. But i dont currently have the money to spend on a deck so im just playing the game on PC. Wish moore people played so i could become better :D
  • crestas69
    [FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]One of my mates got me started in my last year (damn him) but I didnt get a deck at the time because I thought I was going to be staying in the area and wouldnt get the chance to play so i got the steam game instead. [/FONT]

    [FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]When next year roled around I stuck around the area and decided to buy myself a deck since I was still going to be around and since my mates are really into it they had a load of spares so they were just giving me cards that they thought would help.[/FONT]
    [FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]I now have one average deck that is nothing like the starter XD. The deck I play with is a white/blue and focuses on cheep creatures with abilities that I can stack with auras and protect with a fair few counter and to top it of, a little life gain in for kicks.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]It anyone interested in online game I have 2012 and 2013 and my steam user name is the same as my polycount tag crestas69[/FONT]
  • Alphavader
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    Alphavader polycounter lvl 11
    I played this game for about 14 years.
    Sadly decided to sell most of my cards to pay my rent..
    Still love it - i played highlander decks alot
    (each card, includeding landcards are unique in this deck).

    Also love dredge and BlueControl Decks.. Miss the times sitting with my friends on table - smoke and drink and play mtg the whole night-..

    Here a few cards i really loved playing - especially in combination
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    i have to say i'm really not a fan of the current PC game. i love the interface, i love how it simplifies everything right down to binary "you can/can not do x" based on the rules written on the card. it makes playing with newbies or younger players easier and is a good gateway to the card game.

    but i really hate how restrictive it is. i got the 2012 game, and was absolutely appalled by how little you can customize your decks. i understand limiting the cards to the 201X standard sets, but why can't i create a deck from any card within that set? even if i have to purchase or unlock the cards through gameplay, i should be able to.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    I used to play back in high school. Won a bunch of tourney's up and down the east coast, retired after being robbed in Atlanta (of cards) and became a judge working at a local comic store for a summer or so. Fun game, but an enormous money sink.
  • tottot
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    tottot polycounter lvl 10
    I need to jump on here and say thank you for this thread, I love MTG, I've played off and on since I was a kid but have followed it ever since I heard of it. The stories and lore are still some of my favorite out there.
  • Visceral
    i have to say i'm really not a fan of the current PC game. i love the interface, i love how it simplifies everything right down to binary "you can/can not do x" based on the rules written on the card. it makes playing with newbies or younger players easier and is a good gateway to the card game.

    but i really hate how restrictive it is. i got the 2012 game, and was absolutely appalled by how little you can customize your decks. i understand limiting the cards to the 201X standard sets, but why can't i create a deck from any card within that set? even if i have to purchase or unlock the cards through gameplay, i should be able to.

    you should get 2013 editon, it basicly fixed all thoose issues.
  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    Visceral, well considering his main issue is that you can't really deck-build, no 2013 doesn't fix that at all. It's still just pre-made decks with 30 extra cards each you can swap around to improve them.
    It's a good entry way to the game, but no proper deck building is pretty limiting (fortunately there are some other online solutions where that's not an issue).
  • Tokusei
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    Tokusei polycounter lvl 10
    play it a decent amount, going the the Grand Prix in London in February :3

    I would recommend it solely for the killer art some of the cards have, lots of inspiration there! also the lore and game mechanics are quite fun. I think the game is much more fun to play IRL with the physical cards but the PC games are rad also
  • tharle
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    tharle polycounter lvl 9
    been playing pretty competitively for about 15 years, been to about 10 of the big Pro Tours, most recently Barcelona in may this year, and was English national champion once upon a time.

    it's a fantastic game and a great way to meet like-minded people - all my best friends are magic players i've met playing the game, and if you put some time and effort in, it can be a great way to travel.
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    I played Duels of the Planeswalkers demo on Steam and thought it was okay, but it pales in comparison I had to my Pokemon card days as a teen. Loved going to stores and playing locally.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Torch wrote: »
    Sorry, not Magic related but is there a Warhammer/40k thread, or anything miniature related? I'm thinking of buying some just for practicing painting on models, but couldn't find a thread XO
    No reason why you couldn't start one. You'd probably get loads of shots of impressively painted models from this freakishly talented bunch.
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