Hey guys,
So i figured it was about time i actually tried and finish a character and i've decided to start by making a manly viking warrior dude..
Okay so i'm not completely sure what i'm doing here but i've been messing around with this guy in zbrush the last couple of weeks and here's what i got so far.

I've been spending today trying to figure out how to make the fur around his arm, belt and feet and i'm still not quite feeling it so if anyone has any tips on that i'll be glad to hear them

Or if you have any crit at all really.
Made a few changes to the design but i keep fiddling around with this but cant really seem to get it done. Maybe i just need to suck it up and commit a weekend to it.
Dosent look to bad looks skyrim esk, not totally traditional. Ive got a couple of links using zbrushes fibermesh so ya can have some cool fur.
Second one is if ya have a tutors account.
I kinda wanted to mix a bit of barbarian in there but still keep him "viking like".
But i dont have a clear concept to work of cause i cant draw for shit so i'm making it up as i go along
Btw can you bake fibermesh onto a lowpoly model ?
if you want to make a real time character fibermesh is out
so you are on the right way.keep it up.