And then 2012 is gone, the world haven't ended... and now it's time to worry about next challenge, 2013. What are your plans for next year?
1. Recover my right knee and start running again in a regular basis.
2. Spend more time learning Zbrush properly.
3. Refine my painting skills.
4. Find my own art style.
5. Travel and go out more times with my GF.
6. Meet new people.
1. Start running.
2. Get a job.
3. Visit 'Merica (although this doesn't have to be this year, but I want to go there at some point in the next few years)
And I guess that's about it.
2. Get into more practical art making. Puppets and costume bits and stuff.
3. Find beautiful ladies who're impressed by giant robots and puppets.
2. Draw and draw and draw and draw and draw and draw and draw and draw
3. Model and model and model and model and model and model and model and model
4. Release OA 3.0.0
5. Learn proper normal map baking
2) Finish paying off all debt(almost there!)
2. Continue working out and gain another 10lbs of muscle.
3. Finish my children's book. Part of Goal 1.
2. Get a small job to buy Razer Blade/Intuos 5
3. Build foundational art skills
4. Avoiding friends less, Avoid Internet more
keep real
2. Start a career at a studio in the UK/Scandinavia
3. Run 2.4km in <12mins
4. Travel some more
5. bawww less
.. Ya, #1 will be taking all of my time this year.
2. Realize I'm a dead man walking and might as well take more chances.
3. Rekindle my love for doing creative shit and actually putting time and effort into it.
4. Moving down to the coast again.
5. Take care of myself physically as well as mentally.
If I can do at least one of those it should really help with the rest.
2. Learn new techniques
3. Get better at art
4. Get better at art
5. Watch more movies
6. Get better at art
1.Find a Placement
2.Improve my Art and 3D Animation skills
3.Exercise more
2. Skyrim.
Its gonna be tough year.
2. Update 3 fucking year old folio with said art.
3. Start Skateboarding again, but with heavyduty wrist guards lol.
I noticed a few peeps mention some form of medical do-dar, good luck to you guys! I know what it's like to have your health hold you back so never give up, its only you that decides who wins a battle against yourself.
2. Exercise at least 3 times a week.
3. Get better at art.
4. World domination.
Pretty standard stuff.
2) Buy an apartment.
3) Travel somewhere.
Dec 2012 - Digital drawing/painting
Jan 2013 - High poly modeling in Modo
Feb 2013 - ZBrush sculpting (not sure WHAT exactly, probably heads)
Mar 2013 - Back to digital painting
April 2013 - Maybe create an environment from concept to completion
Not sure after that, but it might just cycle like that all year. I made really good progress on my painting skills in Dec of this year so I think this will pay off.
For me its all about starting to get DJ gigs in some local bars here in montreal. Get a little extra income and have a blast while doing it.
Also want to go from my usual 175-180 lbs to try to hit 190-200, which means working out 4-5 times a week instead of the usual 1-3.
Stop being lazy around the house when i get home and immideatley start a mix or find new tunes.
Save a shit ton of money by not eating out for every meal, cook at home for once haha.
Happy new years fellas
but seriously; I aim to get better at managing my time. Less time shall be wasted on the internet, and more should be put down into art. In addition, I totally need to get in better shape- start going for jogs, and lift weights.
1, 2 and 3 are mostly well done. However, my mental health took a decline lately. So, my 2013 resolutions are:
1. Get rid of the physical and mental health problems for good. Nothing major but they really ruin my day sometimes.
2. Improve in art and technical stuff.
3. Save most of the money I earn and travel a lot in summer.
4. Become somewhat better at music.
I wish all kinds of good stuff for polycounters!
Mess about with Arduino and other tech gadgets
Learn better software engineering practices
O and make some art. Gotta balance!
start living
Do more personal work
Travel more, not had time in the past few years.
2. Start exercising more regularly
3. Learn new render techniques
4. Become better at modelling, also more efficient
5. Become a god
1. Kickstart my career in the Production side of Video Games Development.
2. Develop my knowledge on programming.
3. Grow my presence on forums
1. Get into a healthier routine with gym/nutrition.
2. Save money to put a deposit on a house
- Get some sort of regular physical activity.
- Do some sort of cool project with my camera.
2. Post more on polycount
3. Become a better artist
4. Get a good job
continue weight loss course
-Finish our game "Dimiria"
-Wait for game to be release, and hopefully better review (finger's crossed)
-BONUS !!!
-Finish all the incomplete works
-Make a better portfolio
-Try abroad
other than that the usual drinking smoking eating ones that never get kept..
2. Release a successful game with indie studio
3. Get tanked at the gym
I think the last one is the only realistic target, although if this pile of chocolate doesn't fuck off I'm going to be stuck.
2. Move to a higher population city with a larger game dev community
- Do more to give back to my family and keep them happy
- Take risks and embrace the unknown
- Instead of checking facebook check polycount
- Instead of checking polycount do some fucking art
Happy new year everyone
- Update my portfolio with proper environments
That is all.
- upgrade my portfolio with better artwork
- keep working on my flow map script, release more updates and make a better tech demo
- write a paper about the various uses of vector maps (using my script to create them)
- get a job (wait, didn't I say that already? well, I'll just say it again, just to be sure)
- upgrade my social life
Happy New Year everyone!
1. Cook more. Get a spice rack going
2. Read more.
3. Listen to more music.
4. Watch more movies.
5. Dick around on the internet less, even if it is just to game or watch movies more.
Maybe even travel, who knows. Japan's only two hours away now so that would definitely be nice. I would like to do a Masters too, to start making bank.