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Maya 2012 Hotkey wont set

I'm having trouble setting a custom hotkey for Maya 2012. I want to set Transform Component under the Edit Mesh drop down to Ctrl-W (W being move, Ctrl-W being move along normal is really handy), but for some reason after I set the hotkey it doesn't work. In the Hotkey editor, I've tried setting the TransformPolygonComponent in the Edit Mesh Category, and it doesn't work. So I tried the TransformPolygonComponentOptions under the Edit Mesh category. Again, nothing happens. I tried setting the command MovePolygonComponent and its corresponding Options command from Edit Polygons category. Again, nothing happens.

I've tried looking in the Script Editor to see if something is at least happening but just the wrong thing, but to no avail. The script editor is blank.

Has anyone else had this problem and fixed it? Any help would be appreciated!
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