mostly stuff from, and then some google search images for things that weren't clear in the images I had.
And I'll do some detail shots when the HP is finished, since doing a couple of renders takes up quite some time, and the most important part is still missing
DAMN!! SO much detail! are u planning to make a game res? I am currently working on a tank aswell, but i dont know how much detail to put into it because i will have to UV and texture it.
Anyways good job so far
Yes, lowpoly and textures will be done for it, since imo that is the fun part
And for the second question, it's my first realtime tank/vehicle as well, so I can't give a decent answer on that, just atm I try to not get lost in small details that I know won't show up properly. (like the little details on the little windscreen wipers for example)
Probably will depend more on proper Uv's to try and get as much resolution as possible out of it
And good luck on your tank, looking forward to see yours ^^
Render is done in mentalray (there is a tutorial on cgtutsplus where someone makes like an old huge sort of sowing machine thing, and there is a bonus video with some basic render tips that I tried out).
Basicly a A&D material, then rendered out AO, and some slight tweaking in PS afterwards on the final image.
Took a bit of a break from the HP to fiddle around a bit with the tracks.
I do wonder if it's actually a good idea to bake those "8-shapes" on the side down to the side, but I can't really come up with a solution that keeps it a tileable texture/doesn't blow up the polycount and/or doesn't have huge amounts of just black on the texture where the gaps are.
So if someone more experienced has some feedback/tips/ideas on this, let me know
That is how I actually made those LP tracks, probably a bit of a miscommunication since at 5am I don't make much sense anymore.
But thanks for the help ^^
Also i would say your tile should be 2:1 (ex:512X256) if not 4:1 (ex:1024 X 256)
Is it worth it going for a non-square texture, currently in the texture I have 7 full track links, wich seems enough at first to not have to noticable tiling, but I could be wrong.
Picture to make it more clear:
Green is the width of the Lp now, but I lose some width in my tracks.
So in a perfect case my LP would be as wide as the red lines.
But I can't seem to figure out a way to make them as wide while still keeping the things I mentioned. (acceptable triangle count/no large amount of black space to fake it/still tileable)
Or is this just a trade-off you have to make in LP tracks?
Currently sitting at 36500 tri's.
So probably with a little more pushing here and there and the turret it's probably gonna end up around 40-42k tri's.
If anyone sees some parts that could be optimized, let me know
Hey sorry I didn't get a chance to reply to the post about the tracks. Now I understand but I see you baked the tracks what was your solution? did you just bake it flat out with the empty space or made an alpha for those empty spaces? If you could show a closer image of that tracks that would be great. thanks!
ah yes sorry for the late answer, the lp tracks are still the same as the ones I posted.
Sort of decided that the only good way to do it would be to model those "8-shapes" on the side, but that would take up to many tri's, so just gonna leave them as they are.
And yes, baking the lowpoly at the moment.
I'll post some wires of HP soon, but currently I can't really take a screenshot right since max is busy baking
And to start off the day did the base camo/2colors, and tried out some stuff for the final presentation.
It's a bit "basic" atm, but if anyone has some feedback, such as the camo pattern/the groundplane and such, let me know
Limited to diffuse only for the plane if I want to have shadows, so if people think it's gonna drag the overall image down just gonna scrap it and maybe do something in UDK.
don't a bit of texturing today, mainly wheels/side armour/tracks and some small bits to figure out some stuff.
So posting it, in case anyone has some feedback.
Looks great! Did you use alot of overlapping UVs in order to not have pixilation issues, especially because this is such a big object with lots of pieces
Lol i like cammo very much nice KFOR tag, didnt know that Challenger 2 was assigned to KFOR, for sure i didnt see it in SFOR - EUFOR( Bosnia ).
Glass is just for test tone down it quite bit, great job bud
-Yes I mirrored a lot of stuff, except for the main body/turret and the gun parts everything is basicly mirrored.
And then things like the underside of the turret/tank are scaled down a lot.
Should have been even a bit more "agressive" even in overlaying stuff.
After doing this and my last work, I sort of realise how "precious" uv space is.
I had ref pic with the KFOR tag on, but well it's already gone (mirrored part, so mirrored text, so gonna put some other things on the actual unique parts)
And yes, good point on the glass, I did go a bit overboard with it
Looks awesome so far, nice work! A bit of a "nit pick" crit: You should darken slightly the dried mud splatter on the shell, as it looks a bit like sand. Also the viewing mirrors are a bit overly blue.
Looks awesome so far, nice work! A bit of a "nit pick" crit: You should darken slightly the dried mud splatter on the shell, as it looks a bit like sand. Also the viewing mirrors are a bit overly blue.
I allways thought those reflectors actually had a pearlescent quality to them when you would look at them from different angles. So, they will change from teh blue to the purple-red depending on the fresnel.
If you put them as blue in the diffuse texture and have them with the reddish purple in the specular texture you can somewhat mimic the effect without any fancy shaders.
Thanks for the feedback, and yes, probably got a bit to set on using glow/emissive for those, so thanks for the tip computron, I'll try doing it that way.
Looks great. I like those white strips, I'm always a fan of clear and bold markings on vehicles.
I would suggest to try and push specular and gloss contrast a bit more, since from some angles there's almost no specular visible. And those glass pieces probably have some special coating that gives them red specular and reflection.
mostly stuff from, and then some google search images for things that weren't clear in the images I had.
And I'll do some detail shots when the HP is finished, since doing a couple of renders takes up quite some time, and the most important part is still missing
Anyways good job so far
And for the second question, it's my first realtime tank/vehicle as well, so I can't give a decent answer on that, just atm I try to not get lost in small details that I know won't show up properly. (like the little details on the little windscreen wipers for example)
Probably will depend more on proper Uv's to try and get as much resolution as possible out of it
And good luck on your tank, looking forward to see yours ^^
Also, great attention to detail!
Render is done in mentalray (there is a tutorial on cgtutsplus where someone makes like an old huge sort of sowing machine thing, and there is a bonus video with some basic render tips that I tried out).
Basicly a A&D material, then rendered out AO, and some slight tweaking in PS afterwards on the final image.
A happy new year everyone, and untill next year :poly136:
I do wonder if it's actually a good idea to bake those "8-shapes" on the side down to the side, but I can't really come up with a solution that keeps it a tileable texture/doesn't blow up the polycount and/or doesn't have huge amounts of just black on the texture where the gaps are.
So if someone more experienced has some feedback/tips/ideas on this, let me know
I hope this helps
stretching might occur but you should be able to move around verts so it won't look odd.
Also i would say your tile should be 2:1 (ex:512X256) if not 4:1 (ex:1024 X 256)
But thanks for the help ^^
Is it worth it going for a non-square texture, currently in the texture I have 7 full track links, wich seems enough at first to not have to noticable tiling, but I could be wrong.
Picture to make it more clear:
Green is the width of the Lp now, but I lose some width in my tracks.
So in a perfect case my LP would be as wide as the red lines.
But I can't seem to figure out a way to make them as wide while still keeping the things I mentioned. (acceptable triangle count/no large amount of black space to fake it/still tileable)
Or is this just a trade-off you have to make in LP tracks?
Currently sitting at 36500 tri's.
So probably with a little more pushing here and there and the turret it's probably gonna end up around 40-42k tri's.
If anyone sees some parts that could be optimized, let me know
Sort of decided that the only good way to do it would be to model those "8-shapes" on the side, but that would take up to many tri's, so just gonna leave them as they are.
Here is a link to my Elefant where I use the same setup for rendering in max.To give you a feel for what it looks like.
I love the material/setup you have to showcase the model, shows all the details nicely.
Is it a render or a screencap? MR?
And basic render settings I posted a bit earlier.
But basicly just MR with A&D material and some sky portals.
Picked it up from this tutorial:
Yeah, just putting out info and sharing.
And yes, baking the lowpoly at the moment.
I'll post some wires of HP soon, but currently I can't really take a screenshot right since max is busy baking
And the bake so far, missing some parts and some things here and there to fix
@Raptor going for the woodland camo, I really just want to do some camo
@cybergamearts, kind of hard to say, since I did some of the LP work in between the HP, but I guess somewhere around a week.
It's a bit "basic" atm, but if anyone has some feedback, such as the camo pattern/the groundplane and such, let me know
Limited to diffuse only for the plane if I want to have shadows, so if people think it's gonna drag the overall image down just gonna scrap it and maybe do something in UDK.
So posting it, in case anyone has some feedback.
Very well done in my eyes!
Glass is just for test tone down it quite bit, great job bud
everything else looks ace cant wait to see the final texture
-Yes I mirrored a lot of stuff, except for the main body/turret and the gun parts everything is basicly mirrored.
And then things like the underside of the turret/tank are scaled down a lot.
Should have been even a bit more "agressive" even in overlaying stuff.
After doing this and my last work, I sort of realise how "precious" uv space is.
I had ref pic with the KFOR tag on, but well it's already gone (mirrored part, so mirrored text, so gonna put some other things on the actual unique parts)
And yes, good point on the glass, I did go a bit overboard with it
And thanks ae. for the tip on the groundplane
I allways thought those reflectors actually had a pearlescent quality to them when you would look at them from different angles. So, they will change from teh blue to the purple-red depending on the fresnel.
If you put them as blue in the diffuse texture and have them with the reddish purple in the specular texture you can somewhat mimic the effect without any fancy shaders.
I would suggest to try and push specular and gloss contrast a bit more, since from some angles there's almost no specular visible. And those glass pieces probably have some special coating that gives them red specular and reflection.