I have a somewhat crazy question.
I have a model that is composed of many different sized boxes, that are meant to work as a background element. It's pictured below, with the texture omitted (since it's for work and I'd like to hide that bit of it):
I basically want to optimize this mesh so that extra faces (faces that face each other, that can't be seen) are nuked and the mesh can either 1) just have faces that are visible from the outside 2) be combined into a super mesh so that smaller boxes fit into the side of larger boxes, but that the model is hollow inside.
Anyone have any idea what sort of plugin/feature could do this? The boxes do not intersect each other, and like on the grid. Cleaning it up to work by hand seems like a bad idea, but I was curious if anyone knew of a way to simply get all the outside faces to be retained and be able to delete faces that can't be seen from the outside. Sort of like wrapper that would go around the outside faces but preserve the UVs.
I tried backface culling from an orthographic camera but it picked up faces from the side and back.
Any thoughts would be stimulating! And thank you!