Hi everyone, I doing a scene and i was planning to create a ligthmap and use it to see it on 3ds viewport, the thing is the result is nothing cmpared to the rendered version and I don't know where is the problem.
Viewport version
Rendered Version:
Well as you can see the floor is not tiling and the lightning is completly diferente from the rendered version.
I'm not using any post process effect or anything like that, I am merlely using omnis spotlight and Mr omni.
I would greatly appreciate some enlightenment :poly124:
-The bottom one looks gamma correct, while the top does not.
as for the chanel I don't have any problem with that but thanks for the information anyway.
the thing is i found a new problem :P when i render the scene, the lightmap doesn't show up ( therefor no shoadows), is there a way around that?