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Help detailing my normals maps

polycounter lvl 4
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aqe polycounter lvl 4
Hi everybody.

I am trying to get a correct and detailed normal map for my zbrush scult.

This is my scuplt in zbrush, really is only a plane with 1 million subdivision.


And this is the normal map that i can generate using xnormal, zbrush ...


As you can see a lot of detail is blured in my normal map.

Do you know how i can improve my normal map, to a more detailed version.

Thank you.



  • James Ordner
    The normal map doesn't look blurred to me. Your high poly is very smooth in lots of areas, giving you the resulting normal map. If you want more detail, sculpt more detail.
  • keres
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    keres polycounter lvl 12
    People typically blend high-frequency normal maps generated w/ photoshop, crazybump, or nDo on top of their baked out normal map. Lots of really tiny details, including some bigger ones, are a little difficult to sculpt by hand, and generally aren't worth stamping onto the sculpt in zbrush because they'll mess up tiling.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    sometimes when I'm baking stuff like this I set the normals on the high poly to hard. You get a sharper bake with nice crunchy details.

    Out of interest what are you using for baking?
  • EarthQuake
    Your bake doesn't look any softer than your source mesh, the difference is that in zbrush you're using shaders/effects that make the content appear to have more contrast, the fake cavity map thing or whatever. Throw the same sort of cavity map into the diffuse of your lowpoly and you should see a very similar result.
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    Since it is a plane, do you get a different result if you NormalRGBMat or a similar material?
  • aqe
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    aqe polycounter lvl 4
    Thanks a lot for all your responses, i have any questions about this responses
    r_fletch_r : How do you can set the normal to hard? ¿In zbrush? I am using xnormal for the backing process.
    cryrid : Where i must use this NormalRGBMat? ¿in zbrush?
    EarthQuake : What method i can use to get a good cavity map? I test different methods, but never can take a similar result to the high poly.

  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Boost your RG channels.
    Bake your Cavity Map in XNormal, it should give you a couple of good values to test out written in the Documentation.
  • Bubba91873
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    Bubba91873 polygon
    aqe wrote: »
    Thanks a lot for all your responses, i have any questions about this responses
    r_fletch_r : How do you can set the normal to hard? ¿In zbrush? I am using xnormal for the backing process.
    cryrid : Where i must use this NormalRGBMat? ¿in zbrush?
    EarthQuake : What method i can use to get a good cavity map? I test different methods, but never can take a similar result to the high poly.


    In the xnormal tabs where you put your high and low poly it gives you options for your normal such as
    average, exported, hard
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